What do Romulans call themselves?

The resulting tongue was named Rihan, with the Romulans’ name for themselves being Rihannsu in Duane’s novels, meaning “the Declared”, in reference to their decision to secede from Vulcan society.

Do Romulans have surnames?

Romulan surnames were usually the official name of the family, or house, that a person belonged to. A person employed as a bonded servant would bear the name of the house they worked for, even if they were not related to the family that bore that name.

How do you say hello in Romulan?


  1. jolan’tru: semiformal hello/goodbye; most common greeting.
  2. y’hhau: informal hello/goodbye; generally used only between close friends and relatives of similar age.
  3. aefvadh: formal greeting “be welcome”.
  4. shaoi ben: formal greeting, superior to inferior.
  5. shaoi dan: formal greeting between equals.

How do you get a Vulcan name?

Vulcan names are generally quite short, names are 1-2 syllables long and their names used to follow some form of naming convention in official canon, which was that male names generally started with an S and female names generally started with T’.

Is there a Romulan language?

The actual word used by Romulan speakers to refer to their language is Rihan. Rihan is the official language of the Romulan Star Empire and is spoken throughout its territory. Various dialects do exist, even on Romulus itself, but in general, all speakers of Rihan can understand each other.

What star does Romulus orbit?

Political. Romulus and Remus were the major worlds of the Romulan Star Empire. The capital city of the Romulan Star Empire was located on Romulus where the Hall of State was situated.

Is Romulan a real language?

Romulan language Two fictional languages have been constructed for the Romulans and Remans of the Star Trek franchise. The first, called Rihannsu, was created by Diane Duane for her non-canon series of novels.

How do you say cheers in Romulan?

Romulans drank it with meals or as an aperitif. One common toast was, “Ei e’hraaintuh na’hwiufvteh, emeihet’!”

What is Spock’s first name?

S’Chn T’Gai Spock
Especially well-versed fans will also recognize Spock’s newly canonized first name. The beloved Vulcan’s full name is officially S’Chn T’Gai Spock. The name actually comes from a popular fan work-turned novel for The Original Series in Barbara Hambly’s Ishmael which was published in 1985.

Do Vulcans have surnames?

Surname. A surname, family name, or last name was a name added on to the given name of an individual, often to indicate a family or clan relationship. The unpronounceable Vulcan name was described as a “first name” in TOS: “This Side of Paradise”. No Vulcan family name has been given in canon.