What do numbers mean on Humphrey visual field?

The dBs tested by the Humphrey analyzer range between 0 and 50 dB (0 is the brightest and 50 is the dimmest). A value of 0 means the patient could not see the brightest target, and a 50 means the dimmest target was seen.

What is a normal visual field test result?

A “normal” visual field test means that the patient can see about as well as anyone else does in the center and around the edges of the visual field. A test that shows visual field loss means that vision in some areas is not as sensitive as normal.

What is normal range for field of vision?

A normal visual field is an island of vision measuring 90 degrees temporally to central Fixation, 50 degrees superiorly and nasally, and 60 degrees inferiorly. Visual acuity increases from movement discrimination in the extreme peripheral vision to better than 20/20 in the center of vision.

What is the cost of a visual field test?

The national average charge for an eye exam is $114 for those without insurance, according to the Vision Service Plan[1] . The cost varies depending upon the clinic and region of the country.

What is a Humphrey eye test?

The Humphrey visual field test measures the entire area of peripheral vision that can be seen while the eye is focused on a central point. During this test, lights of varying intensities appear in different parts of the visual field while the patient’s eye is focused on a certain spot.

How do you read a Humphrey visual field report?

Use this order to interpret your Humphrey visual field every time:

  1. Confirm it’s the right patient with name and date of birth.
  2. Confirm it’s the right/left eye.
  3. Look at the reliability indices.
  4. Look at the pattern.
  5. Look at the GHT, mean deviation, VFI, and pattern standard deviation.
  6. Compare to the previous visual fields.

What is a visual field of 20 degrees or less?

In the United States, any person with vision that cannot be corrected to better than 20/200 in the best eye, or who has 20 degrees or less of visual field remaining, is considered legally blind. Visual impairments take many forms and exist in varying degrees.

What does it mean if you fail a visual field test?

Visual field loss in one eye is usually caused by a condition affecting the eye or the optic nerve, like multiple sclerosis or a tumor affecting the eye. Visual field loss in both eyes that is unequal usually means there is a disease process affecting the eyes, like diabetes or glaucoma.

Can you cheat a visual field test?

There are many ways to evaluate the visual field; a standard automated perimetry is only one of them. The tests are subjective, however, and they are often difficult for patients to perform. As a result it is not rare to have false positives or false negatives.

How do you read the Humphrey visual field test?