What do northern bobwhite quail eat?

Diet. Includes seeds, leaves, insects. Diet varies with season and place. Eats many seeds (especially those of legumes), also leaves, buds, berries, acorns, roots, insects, spiders, and snails.

What should I feed my bobwhite quail?

As adults, quail feed mainly on grain crops and weed seeds. Popular weed species include common ragweed, yellow and green foxtail, beggar’s tick, hairy vetch, smartweed, yellow nut sedge, wild sweet pea, lespedeza, tick clover, and black medic. Preferred grain crops include soybeans, corn, and grain sorghum.

Do bobwhite quail eat clover?

Green legumes also attract a diverse array of insects beneficial to quail chicks. The legumes most often used by the quail manager are: Korean lespedeza, ladino clover, white clover, red clover, and subterranean clover and alfalfa.

Do bobwhite quail eat ticks?

The bobwhite quail is a ground hunter with a large appetite, and its daily menu consists of insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars, spiders and ticks. This makes it the perfect weapon for towns and parks to use in the fight against tick infestations.

What should you not feed quail?

Know that some types of foods can be toxic to quail. This includes avocado, caffeine, chocolate, grape seeds, meat, parsley, rhubarb, the stems and leaves of tomato plants, salty foods and treats, uncooked potatoes, and most citrus fruits. Quail will avoid anything toxic to them unless they are starving.

Can quails eat chicken feed?

Some experienced quail farmers use chicken feed for their quail, but they add elements to make up for the deficiency where required. If you aren’t familiar with your quails’ dietary needs, consider merely sticking to commercial feed formulated for game birds until you are a bit more experienced.

Will quail use a coop?

Your Quail will need to be kept safe, secure and dry at all times. You can keep them in cages, pens, Rabbit Hutches or even aviary style. You can even keep them in small Chicken coops with an attached run.

What can I plant for quail to eat?


  • Corn and grain sorghum are among the most reliable food sources.
  • Wheat, soybeans, millets, rye, and buckwheat are good food sources, but are often buried by snow, forcing birds into the open to utilize them.