What do DVN mean?


Acronym Definition
DVN Digital Value Network
DVN Descending Vestibular Nucleus
DVN Diploma in Veterinary Nursing
DVN Deep Vibrissal Nerve

What is VDO stand for?


Acronym Definition
VDO Video Data Organization
VDO Value-Driven Organization
VDO Varus Derotation Osteotomy
VDO Very Distant Object(s)

What does Edds stand for?


Acronym Definition
EDDS Extra Deep Drawing Steel (automobiles)
EDDS Electronic Data Delivery System
EDDS Airport Stuttgart, Germany
EDDS Estimated Departure Date Sea

What does Criso stand for?

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australian Government – CSIRO. Work with us.

Is Continental and VDO the same?

Original stays Original. As a global technology company and one of the leading automotive suppliers, we are the ideal partner for aftermarket solutions and services.

Does the CSIRO still exist?

CSIRO still operates under the provisions of the 1949 Act in a wide range of scientific inquiry. Since 1949 CSIRO has expanded its activities to almost every field of primary, secondary and tertiary industry, including the environment, human nutrition, conservation, urban and rural planning, and water.

What do CSIRO do?

To carry out scientific research for any of the following purposes: Assisting Australian industry; Furthering the interests of the Australian community; Contributing to the achievement of Australian national objectives or the performance of the national and international responsibilities of the Commonwealth; and.

Is Siemens and VDO the same?

In 1991, the company was acquired by Mannesmann. In 1999, Mannesmann was acquired by Vodafone and VDO was offered for sale. In 2000, the company was acquired by Siemens and re-branded as Siemens VDO. Siemens sold VDO to Continental in 2007.

Is Siemens Part of Continental?

Continental acquired Siemens VDO from Siemens AG in 2007.

Is the CSIRO run by the government?

CSIRO is an Australian Government statutory authority constituted and operating under the provisions of the Science and Industry Research Act 1949.

Is CSIRO a statutory authority?

Why was CSIRO made?

That is, to initiate and conduct scientific research to assist in the development of the primary and secondary industries of Australia: farming, mining and manufacturing being the focus in the early years.