What do Dark Eldar call themselves?

Like their cousins of the craftworlds, the Drukhari are an ancient and highly advanced alien race of fey humanoids. The alternative term “Dark Eldar,” or Eladrith Ynneas in the Aeldari tongue, was first coined by the Drukhari archon and Supreme Overlord of Commorragh Asdrubael Vect in the 32nd Millennium.

What Necrons call Eldar?

Orks call humans, “Humies” and Eldar “Pointy Ears” and Necrons “Botboyz” and Chaos as “Chaos Boyz.” Subject: What are the races names for each other?

Is Dark Eldar Chaos?

The dark eldar are a race that consists of individuals and organizations just like any other race (probably except Necrons and the hive mind) in the galaxy. That means they will never willingly align with Chaos.

Who are the Haemonculi Dark Eldar?

A Dark Eldar Haemonculus. The Haemonculi, the Lords of Pain, are horrific and insane Dark Eldar flesh-sculptors who have lived within the depths of Commorragh for many Terran centuries, if not millennia. They are master torturers, the Dark Eldar’s greatest connoisseurs of pain and terror.

What is the purpose of the Dark Eldar article?

The purpose of this article will be to provide new players wanting to learn about Dark Eldar a solid base with which to build their strategic (army building) and tactical (battlefield maneuvers) upon. I also hope that more experienced players will find new thoughts and ideas here, or offer up some of their own.

What is the significance of the Haemonculi’s dark pursuits?

The dark pursuits of the Haemonculi help them stave off the ennui that haunts all those free of time’s grip. Sometimes known as disciplines, these practices allow the Covenites to focus their capricious attention on a body of study long enough to become its master.

What does Dark Eldar Tactica say about strategi?

Dark Eldar Tactica (and Strategi…ca?) “I am truly disappointed that cruel fate has placed us in this position, such that I really have no choice other than to unleash my warriors against your population centers.