What do cymbidium orchids symbolize?

Cymbidium symbolises pure, valued and respected friendship. The act of giving the flower is seen as an honour as well as receiving it. It is not surprising that the flower is a popular gift for good friends in China. The flower also stands for morality and virtue.

How do you take care of a cymbidium orchid?

Cymbidium Orchids

  1. Position. Good filtered light or sun until 1-2pm is best for Cymbidiums.
  2. Feeding. Orchids have two main growing periods in Melbourne.
  3. Watering. Water sparingly in winter – rain is usually enough unless it is dry for more than a week.
  4. Re-potting.
  5. Pests.
  6. To Help Flowering.

What is the best position for cymbidium orchids?

Cymbidiums appreciate a protected position away from strong hot sun, heavy winds and direct frost. The perfect environment should be warm, airy and bright and preferably off the ground. Northern facing verandas and patios are excellent if they are covered.

Can cymbidium orchids take full sun?

Light. During the growing season, cymbidium orchids appreciate dappled sunlight. If your orchids are outdoors, make sure they are not in direct sunlight, as this can cause burning on the plant. A few hours of morning sunlight paired with shady afternoons should be perfect.

How often should I water cymbidium?

about once a week
Cymbidiums like to be kept MOIST but NOT WET. During mid-Spring to early Autumn, watering in the evening is preferable. In late Autumn, Winter and early Spring, watering in the morning is best. Water about once a week in cooler times, with every other day or every day watering during hot weather.

Is coffee grounds good for orchids?

Coffee grounds are an excellent fertilizer, especially for orchids and African violets.

How do you fertilize cymbidium orchids?

In late summer, use a high-phosphorus, blossom-booster fertilizer (such as 10- 30-20), to help form bloom spikes. Fertilize at full strength every week to two weeks. In winter, fertilize once a month. Potting is usually done in the spring after flowering, usually every two years or when the potting medium decomposes.