What do 03717 numbers cost?

A call to an 0371 number costs the same as a call to a normal home or business landline. All numbers that start with 03 are charged at the same rate as standard landline numbers that start with ’01’ or ’02’.

Are 08345 numbers free?

03 numbers such as 0330, 0333, 0345 and 0370 are included in your monthly landline or mobile minutes. Otherwise, 0345 numbers are charge at a local rate (the same call charge as to a 01 or 02 number)….0345 Number Call Costs.

Number starts with Landlines p/m approx Mobile p/m approx
0345 up to 9p 3p to 55p

Are 03458 numbers free?

Calls to 0345 should first come out of your inclusive minutes – only once you’re exceeded this limit should you be expected to pay. This is, of course, only for those who have inclusive minutes in their tariff. Calls to an 0345 UK-wide number from a landline phone for approximately one minute are 9p.

Are 03715 numbers free?

However, it is really important to note that 0370 numbers are not free in the same 0800 and 0808 numbers are….Cost of calling an 0370 number from mobile.

Provider Inside contracted landline minutes allowance Outside contracted landline minutes allowance
EE Free 30p/m

Is 0371 free on Tesco Mobile?

0370 numbers can be treated the same as dialling a local geographic telephone number. If you have a pay monthly mobile with Tesco mobile and have enough minutes left to cover the phone call then the 0370 number will not cost you anything, but simply come out of your monthly quota of minutes.

Is 0371 included on EE?

Numbers starting with 03, 02, 01 Calls to 01, 02 or 03 numbers will come out of your inclusive minutes.

Is 034 number free on EE?

Many organisations use 03 numbers such as 0300, 0344 or 0345 as an alternative to more expensive 084 and 087 numbers. Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than a call to a 01 or 02 number. This means calls to 01, 02 or 03 numbers will come out of your inclusive minutes.

What phone numbers are free on EE?

Calls to 0800, 0808 and 116 numbers are free from your EE mobile and landline.

Is Smarty to Smarty free?

Free calls and texts with SMARTY All calls to standard UK landlines are free with SMARTY. These numbers start with 01, 02 and 03. All calls and texts (SMS and MMS) to UK mobiles that start with 07 are also free, as are calls to freephone numbers that start with 080.

Who called 03454541111?

0345 454 1111 is VMs normal customer services number. If you dialled the number yourself from the phone being on the hook & not dialled in as a response to an incoming call you will have been talking to the genuine customer service centre.

Is 0370 free from mobile?

From any mobile, whether a smartphone or more usual mobile phone the charges for an 0370 number is charged the same as an 01 or 02 number.

Is 0370 free on BT landline?

Depending on which call plan you are on, To call a number beginning with 0370 for a business from a BT landline will cost 12 pence per minute with a set up charge of 21 pence.