What district is Lakeville in for hockey?

Minnesota District 8
Minnesota District 8 This is the Official website of the District and contains all of the contacts, rules, schedules and information for it’s participants.

What district is Cottage Grove hockey?

District 8
Cottage Grove Hockey Association (CGHA) is a proud member of Minnesota Hockey. CGHA is a member of MN Hockey’s District 8. District 8 is compiled of a thirteen (13) teams / associations.

What district is Wayzata Hockey in?

District 3
Wayzata Navy are PeeWee B2 District 3 Champions.

What district is Hastings hockey?

The HHB is organized as a non-profit tax exempt corporation incorporated and operated under the laws of the State of Minnesota. The HHB cooperates with and abides by the rules of USA Hockey, Minnesota Hockey, and District 8.

What district is Minneapolis hockey?

District 10 Hockey – Minnesota Hockey.

What district is Woodbury youth hockey in?

The Woodbury Area Hockey Club welcomes all girls and boys that either live in or attend school in the ISD833 school boundary of Woodbury, Newport and Afton.

What district is Minnetonka hockey in?

District 6
District 6 League and Playoff History.

What district is Edina hockey in?

District 6 hockey
Official web site of District 6 hockey, which is the district all Edina youth hockey teams compete.

How many hockey districts are in Minnesota?

12 districts
Minnesota Hockey is governed by a board of directors and consists of approximately 140 community based associations who are formed into 12 districts.

What is EP in hockey?

Elite Prospects – Hockey Players, Stats and Transactions.

What district is Minneapolis hockey in?

District 6 – Minnesota Hockey is a premier Minnesota Youth Hockey League. District 6 serves the south and the west metro area in the twin cities. Check to this website often for the latest news, scores, schedules, standings, results and more!