What district is Dwarka Sector 7?

South West Delhi district
The locality Dwarka Sector 7 falls in South West Delhi district situated in NCT of Delhi state, with a population 22686.

How is Dwarka Sector 7?

Dwarka Sector 7 is a very nice and beautiful locality. All basic amenities like hospitals, schools, colleges, and markets are available nearby. Dwarka Sector 7. This Locality is very prime location on main road near school hospital and market.

Which SEC is best in Dwarka?

Sector 12, Dwarka. Dwarka Sector 12 is the most strategical location of Dwarka and very close to market, school, hospital and city center etc., there are more than ten schools in Dwarka Sector 12 contains a big market, many big hospitals are there moreover metro connectivity is also very good of this sector.

What is the pin code of Dwarka Sector 6?

The Dwarka Sec-6 S.O Pin code is 110075 and it comes under New delhi west Division which is located in South West Delhi district of Delhi State….Dwarka Sec-6 S.O Pin Code.

Post Office Name Dwarka Sec-6 S.O
Pincode 110075
Office Type Sub Post Office
Delivery Status Delivery
Phone 011-25082423

How is Dwarka Sector 19?

Dwarka Sector-19 is very nice locality. It is very good place to live in, you can stay alone or live with family. This is place connected to each and every amenity. Very near to hospitals, school, metro station, banks and market.

In which district is Dwarka?

Devbhumi Dwarka district is situated in Saurashtra Region of Gujarat State. Devbhumi Dwarka having 2 Prant, with 4 Talukas, 249 Villages, 6 Nagarpalika. Devbhumi Dwarka District comprises of two sub-division named Khambhalia and Dwarka.

Does Dwarka come under New Delhi?

About Dwarka. Dwarka is a sub-city of Delhi, developed by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA). Dwarka, along with Rohini, are the planned residential developments of Delhi.