What did John Lennon say Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was about?

John Lennon said that his inspiration for the song came when his three-year-old son Julian showed him a nursery school drawing that he called “Lucy – in the Sky with Diamonds”, depicting his classmate Lucy O’Donnell.

Why was Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds a controversial song?

Julian said he took the picture home and showed it to his father, explaining: “It’s Lucy in the sky with diamonds.” When Lennon and Paul McCartney’s song was subsequently released, it caused controversy because of its hallucinogenic theme and supposed reference to the drug LSD.

What Metre is Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds?

Rhythm and metre The intro, verses and pre-chorus are written in 3/4 – a simple triple metre, which is unusual in popular music. For the chorus, the time signature changes to 4/4, which is a simple quadruple metre.

What is the meaning of Yellow Submarine?

“We all live in a yellow submarine. Yellow submarine, yellow submarine” Meaning: Everyone has their own form of peace so everyone technically lives in one too. “And our friends are all on board.

Who wrote Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds Elton John?

John Lennon
Paul McCartney
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds/Lyricists

What is Lucy in the Sky slang?

Definitions of Lucy in the sky with diamonds. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide. synonyms: Elvis, Zen, acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, loony toons, pane, superman, window pane. type of: LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide. a powerful hallucinogenic drug manufactured from lysergic acid.

What does Lucy mean in slang?

The song also gave its name to the slang term for LSD, as many believe it is essentially a reference to the drug. Lucynoun. The drug LSD.

What key is Lucy in the Sky?

A majorLucy in the Sky With Diamonds / Key

Why is Strawberry Fields called Strawberry Fields?

The title of the song refers to the Salvation Army-ran girl’s orphanage – dreamily called “Strawberry Field” – that Lennon lived near growing up in Liverpool.