What did David Cain do to Cassandra?

Cain trained Cassandra in every imaginable form of violence, from hand-to-hand combat to weapons and explosives. Cain never taught her to read or write; her only language was her ability to read people and predict what her opponents were going to do. When she was 8 years old, Cain took her to kill a businessman.

Who is David Cain DC?

David Cain is a fictional supervillain in the DC Comics Universe. He first appeared in Batman #567 (July 1999), and was created by Kelley Puckett and Damion Scott. Interior artwork from Batman: No Man’s Land Secret Files & Origins #1 (November 1999, DC Comics), art by Damion Scott.

Does Cassandra Cain have a love interest?

Though not known for her private life, Cassandra does have a one-time romance with Conner Kent after meeting him on a cruise ship. He shares her first kiss, and she even visits him at his home in Smallville, though the relationship never becomes serious.

Why is Cassandra Cain mute?

Cassandra appears as Orphan in the third season of Young Justice. In the show, she cannot speak at all, due to her mother removing her vocal cords.

Does Cassandra Cain love Batman?

Cassandra has accidentally revealed that she considered Bruce Wayne “hot”, despite their relationship being more familial than romantic. Cassandra has also admitted an attraction to Zatanna Zatara in response to Kate Kane expressing her desire to marry the magician.

How old is David Cain?

he devotes himself and his life to her training. 3 years ago – 46-year-old David takes Cassandra Cain on her first assassination, but she immediately runs away after her kill. He battles Bruce Wayne to get her back, but retreats after she says her first work, “stop”.

Who is Jason Todd love interest?

2 Artemis & Jason Acknowledged Their Interest In One Another Jason Todd and Artemis had a pretty sweet thing going throughout the Red Hood comics during the Rebirth run.