What did Alcibiades do the night before the Sicilian expedition?
What did Alcibiades do the night before the Sicilian expedition?
One night during preparations for the expedition, the hermai, heads of the god Hermes on a plinth with a phallus, were mutilated throughout Athens. This was a religious scandal, resulted in a charge of asebeia (impiety) against Alcibiades, and was seen as a bad omen for the mission.
What ominous event occurred before the Sicilian expedition?
Peloponnesian War The decisive event was the catastrophe suffered by the Athenians in Sicily. Aided by a force of Spartans, Syracuse was able to break an Athenian blockade.
Is Alcibiades real?
Alcibiades, (born c. 450 bce, Athens [Greece]—died 404, Phrygia [now in Turkey]), brilliant but unscrupulous Athenian politician and military commander who provoked the sharp political antagonisms at Athens that were the main causes of Athens’ defeat by Sparta in the Peloponnesian War (431–404 bce).
How did Alcibiades betray Sparta?
Alcibiades tried to convince the satrap that it was in Persia’s interest to wear both Athens and Sparta out at first, “and after docking the Athenian power as much as he could, forthwith to rid the country of the Peloponnesians”.
Why did Alcibiades switch sides?
Alcibiades was blamed for negligence in leaving only a helmsman in charge of the main fleet and was not re-elected strategos. Consequently, he left to live in Thrace, whilst the Spartans went on to finally win the Peloponnesian War in 404 BCE with Lysander’s victory over the Athenian fleet at Aigospotamoi.
Was Sicily A Sparta?
The Sicilian Expedition was an Athenian military expedition to Sicily, which took place from 415–413 BC during the Peloponnesian War between Athens on one side and Sparta, Syracuse and Corinth on the other….Sicilian Expedition.
Date | 415–413 BC |
Result | Decisive Spartan/Syracusan victory Athenian expeditionary force completely destroyed |
Did Socrates sleep with Alcibiades?
Plato, however, in one of his dialogues (Protagoras) has an unknown friend of Socrates ask him, “Where have you been? Not that I need ask, you’ve been chasing after that gorgeous Alcibiades”. It was by all accounts, an intimate relationship and, according to Plato’s Symposium, they did sleep together.
What do we learn from Alcibiades speech?
In battle, Socrates showed great bravery, once saving Alcibiades’ life. Alcibiades concludes his speech by remarking that we cannot liken Socrates to any other person, past or present. At best, we can compare him to a satyr who is god-like on the inside.
Did Alcibiades invade Sicily?
The expedition was hampered from the outset by uncertainty in its purpose and command structure—political maneuvering in Athens swelled a lightweight force of twenty ships into a massive armada, and the expedition’s primary proponent, Alcibiades, was recalled from command to stand trial before the fleet even reached …
Why did Alcibiades fall in love with Socrates?
Alcibiades, as the younger, handsome man, would be expected to be the loved one of Socrates, and Socrates would be expected to pursue him in order to gain sexual gratification. Alcibiades finds none of his advances working, and ends up switching roles, where he becomes the lover in hot pursuit of Socrates.
What does Socrates fear in Alcibiades?
Tyrannical power should not be the aim of individuals but people accept to be commanded by a superior. In the last sentence Socrates expresses his hope that Alcibiades will persist, but he has fears because the power of the state “may be too much” for both of them.