What country uses vos?

Vos is used extensively as the second-person singular in Rioplatense Spanish (Argentina and Uruguay), Eastern Bolivia, Paraguayan Spanish, and Central American Spanish (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, southern parts of Chiapas and some parts of Oaxaca in Mexico).

What is the difference between vos and Vosotros?

Vos and vosotros are actually completely different. Vos is singular and vosotros is plural.” The longer answer requires a bit of background.

Why do Argentines say vos?

Vos is used when there is a lot of familiarity, but if used out of the familiarity context it can be disrespectful or impolite. In fact, some people use vos in a disdainful way to address a Mayan stranger, but use the formal usted when addressing a ladino (non-Maya) stranger of equal or “higher” social level.

When did Spain stop using vos?

In the 17th century, vos fell into disuse in Spain. This linguistic change, however, only reached the Latin American regions that kept in close contact with the homeland (as in Spain, these regions adopted the exclusive use of tú for informal contacts).

What is vos in English?

pronoun. thee [pronoun] an old word for ‘you’ used only when addressing one person, especially God (usually Thee), as the object of a verb. thou [pronoun] an old word for ‘you’ used only when addressing one person, especially God (usually Thou), as the subject of a verb.

Why do they use vos in Colombia?

Here’s what happened: ‘vos’ was used as both a singular and plural second person subject pronoun (just like “you” can refer to one person or multiple people), and eventually the plural version was used in conjunction with the word “otros” so often that it just became one term: vosotros.

How is vos used in Spanish?

Vos in Spanish is mostly used in informal speech. Generally speaking, vos in Spanish means the “singular you”. Vos is a second person singular pronoun just like usted and tú, so it cannot be used instead of a plural pronoun.

Why do Colombians say vos?

‘. I quickly learned that using “vos” (referred to as voseo) instead of “tú” (also called tuteo) to say “you” is a common practice in many Latin American countries, including some parts of Colombia. In Colombia, voseo sits somewhere between “tú” and “usted” in formality, and can often be used with friends or family.

Is vos a Spanish word?

Generally speaking, vos in Spanish means the “singular you”. Vos is a second person singular pronoun just like usted and tú, so it cannot be used instead of a plural pronoun. Although it may not seem necessary at first, this variety of second person singular pronouns is actually pretty helpful.

Why doesnt South America use Vosotros?

Historically, both forms come from Spain. In fact, in Spain, usted (singular) and ustedes (plural) are used in formal contexts or to address someone you don’t know or you want to show respect. In Latin America, this form was also used, but it disappeared completely at the end of the 19th century.

Does Colombia use vos?

Is vos the same as tú?

Vos is generally informal and is interchangeable with the pronoun tú. It’s used to address close friends, family, peers, and even pets!