What country is ZS aircraft registration?

Aircraft Registration ZS | South African Aircraft Register – Aviation Services.

What is T7 aircraft registration?

Foreign individuals or foreign companies qualify to register or maintain T7 the registration of their own aircraft after electing domicile with a representative residing in San Marino. The aircraft shall be exempted from an import tax provided foreign citizen(s) or companies own the aircraft.

What country is XB aircraft registration?

Section 1. Nationality Marks Arranged Alphanumerically

Registration Country
XA, XB, XC Mexico (plus national emblem)
XT Burkina Faso
XU Cambodia
XV Viet Nam

What does VH stand for in aircraft registration?

During HARS tours, the question occasionally is asked “what is the significance or history of the VH prefix on Australian registered civil aircraft”? Often someone will explain that it’s the initials of the famous Australian aviation person Victor Hargraves.

Where is aircraft registration m?

Registration Marks for M-Reg – Isle of Man Registered Aircraft.

What is G registered aircraft?

United Kingdom aircraft registration is a register and means of identification for British owned and operated commercial and private aircraft, they are identified by registration letters starting with the prefix G-.

What country has aircraft registration G?

the United Kingdom
The G prefix denotes a civil aircraft registered in the United Kingdom.

What aircraft registration is M?

What does G stand for in aircraft registration?

How do I read my aircraft registration number?

In the US, then, registration numbers are five alphanumeric characters:

  1. One to five numbers (N1 to N2345)
  2. One to four numbers followed by one letter (N1234Z)
  3. One to three numbers followed by two letters (N123AZ)