What Colour is Ferengi blood?
What Colour is Ferengi blood?
Ferengi blood is yellow, turning dark blue-green when oxidized. Bodies are not autopsied or even touched until after death rituals — which have been seen to be the desiccation and sale of the remains. The yellow blood can be seen in TNG: The Price.
Who designed the Ferengi?
The Ferengi of “Deep Space 9,” created by UC Santa Barbara alum Michael Westmore.
What does a Ferengi look like?
On average, Ferengi were shorter than Humans. Externally, they had orange-brown colored skin, blue fingernails and long blue toenails, enlarged skulls, wrinkled noses, and sharp teeth. Since Kobheerians look very similar to Dopterians, they too might be related to both species.
When did the Ferengi first appear in Star Trek?
The Ferengi first appeared in “The Last Outpost”, the show’s fourth episode, which was set in the year 2364.
Is Klingon blood pink or red?
In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Klingon blood was portrayed as pink and lavender, while in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine it was red.
How smart are the Ferengi?
The Ferengi seem to have a secret intelligence network that spans farther than anything the Federation can wield, it’s just conducted on an individual level, rather than a centralized bureaucracy.
What is the lifespan of a Ferengi?
three hundred years
Legends of the Ferengi by Ira Steven Behr and Robert Hewitt Wolfe stated Ferengi could live up to three hundred years. This is a lower limit, as Hudak, the Antaran featured, was said to be able to live for another sixty years by Phlox.
Who had warp before Ferengi?
Borg – 15th Century CE. Cardassians – 1925. Ferengi – after 1947. Vulcans – after 1947.
Why is nog so short?
Eisenberg, who stood 5 feet tall, was born with one kidney and had battled health problems throughout his life, undergoing two transplants — most recently in 2015. The kidney trouble had stunted his growth.
What species is morn?
Lurian male
Morn, played by Mark Allen Shepherd, is a Lurian male, the first member of his species seen in Star Trek. Morn is a frequent customer in Quark’s bar, often present in the background of scenes there.