What color eggs do Bielefelder chickens lay?


Type: standard
Egg Color: brown
Egg Size: large
Egg Production: better
Disposition: excellent

What do Bielefelder eggs look like?

In general, you can expect Bielefelder hens to lay anywhere from 200 up to 230 eggs per year. They lay brown eggs at a size much larger than any of the other chicken breeds around. The color of the egg distinguishes it from many of the other chicken breeds.

At what age do Bielefelder chickens start laying eggs?

They are a larger breed, meaning they take a bit longer to age to maturity and lay eggs – they begin laying at around 20 weeks as opposed to 16 weeks, as is the case for many heritage breeds.

Is Bielefelder chicken Autosexed?

The Bielefelder DNA has the autosexing function; day-old chicks can be sexed based on their feather color patterns, and this trait is passed on with each generation. the males have a distinct white “dot” on their heads, females dont but have a more chipmunk brown stripe.

Do Bielefelder hens go broody?

Bielefelders are good foragers, cold-resistant and quiet birds, that are not very motivated to fly. The hens start laying at a young age, and lay eggs by impressive numbers (about 230 eggs per year), but they rarely go broody. Bielefelders only come in one color-variety, which is the cuckoo red partridge.

Are cochins cold hardy?

Typically, Cochins are an excellent cold hardy choice with their stout, round bodies & super fluffy feathers. But when the feathers curl around and don’t lay flat against the body, they lose their insulating power.

Are Bielefelder broody?

Broodiness. Unlike other egg producers, Bielefelder hens rarely go broody. They begin to lay eggs at a very young age and are able to give a large number of eggs each year.

Are Bielefelder chickens friendly?

The hens are friendly, gentle birds, excellent layers for a duel purpose breed, laying about 200 large dark brown eggs a year, and they are good winter layers. They will go broody occasionally. The roosters are said to have exceptionally nice temperaments.

Are Bielefelders good layers?

The hens are friendly, gentle birds, excellent layers for a duel purpose breed, laying about 200 large dark brown eggs a year, and they are good winter layers.

Are Bielefelder roosters friendly?

How big do bantam cochins get?

Cochins can take up to two years to mature since they are slow growers. When they are fully grown, the male can weigh in at 11 pounds, with the female weighing around 8 ½ pounds. The bantams weigh in at 30oz. For the male and 26oz.

Do Frizzles need heat?

Chicks, young birds, sick or recovering birds, and specialty breeds (silkies, frizzles, polish, etc) do require heat.