What city is Rim of the World High School in?

Lake Arrowhead
Rim of the World High School is a public secondary school located in Lake Arrowhead, California, at the top of the mountain overlooking the San Bernardino Valley.

What county is Rim of the World in?

San Bernardino
Rim of the World Unified

County San Bernardino
Phone Number (909) 336-2031
Fax Number (909) 337-4527
Email [email protected]
Web Address www.rimsd.k12.ca.us Link opens new browser tab

When was Rim of the World High School built?

Rim of the World Unified School District, Rim of the World High School, Lake Arrowhead, CA (1955-1956)

What School District is lake arrowhead?

Rim of the World Unified School
Lake Arrowhead Elementary

County San Bernardino
District Rim of the World Unified
School Lake Arrowhead Elementary
CDS Code 36 67868 6036727
School Address 1300 Golden Rule Ln. Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352-0430 Google Map Link opens new browser tab

How many students go to Rim of the World High School?

1,030Rim of the World High School / Number of students (2021–2022)

What is the elevation of Rim of the World High School?

Rim of the World Senior High School is a school in San Bernardino County and has an elevation of 5,745 feet.

Is there a Rim of the World 2?

Rim of the World 2 (Video 2004) – IMDb.

Is Rim of the World a real camp?

ScreenwriterZack Stentz was dropping off one of his kids at summer camp near Big Bear. He looked out over the Southern California landscape and had a vision. It’s that moment that led him to write Netflix’s new movieRim of the World, inspired by that camp, which sits along the real-life Rim of the World Highway.

Is Rim of the World inappropriate?

Netflix has now released two films back to back that appear to be kid friendly until their characters start speaking. Though the language in See you Yesterday would make it a rated R film and Rim of the World is a strong PG-13.

What mall was Rim of the World filmed at?

Much of the movie was shot at a shuttered government building, the Lanterman Developmental Center. The production also spent a week in Mammoth. Other local locations included a dry river bed filled with boulders in the Hansen Dam complex and the Vista Hermosa Park in Angelino Heights (with a view of downtown L.A.).

What state does Rim of the World take place?

“Rim of the World” is the strange name for a summer camp in California, where the major events of director McG’s movie kick off. Attendees include the fear-addled Alex (Jack Gore), who arrives in a tweed suit and tie and then chickens out from taking the zip-line.

Can a 13 year old watch Rim of the World?

The kids who would enjoy the simplistic, unlikely plot of this moviee the most are probably too young for the intensity of its violence and frequency of its cursing.