What city is La Joya High School in?

Avondale, Arizona
We are located in Avondale, Arizona, and are part of the Tolleson Union High School District.

Is La Joya High School a good School?

La Joya High School is ranked #8,691 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. Read more about how we rank the Best High Schools.

Is La Joya High School 6A?

La Joya High School is a Texas UIL Division 6A high school in the La Joya Independent School District named after the city it resides in, La Joya. The school is home to students that live on the west and south areas of La Joya ISD.

What does La Joya mean?

The Jewel
La Joya (Spanish: “The Jewel”) may refer to: United States. La Joya, Texas, a city.

How many high schools does La Joya have?

Overall, La Joya ISD boasts over 30 campuses; twenty-three elementary schools, eight middle schools, four Alternative Education Centers, three “Early College” high schools, and three comprehensive high schools.

How many students attend La Joya High School?

2,340La Joya Community High School / Number of students (2018–2019)

What does Jolla mean in Spanish?

Despite the word “jolla” sounding Spanish, it’s not a real word. The Spanish word “joya”, which is similar in pronunciation to jolla, translates to Jewel. Historians believe that sometime in the 19th century when Spanish colonials arrived on the land, they accidentally called it joya. The name has stuck ever since.

How many schools does La Joya have?

Overall, La Joya ISD boasts over 30 campuses; twenty-three elementary schools, eight middle schools, four Alternative Education Centers, three “Early College” high schools, and three comprehensive high schools. La Joya ISD employs over 4,260 individuals from all across the Rio Grande Valley and some from overseas.

Why is La Jolla not a City?

No, La Jolla is part of the City of San Diego. The California Coastal Act designates La Jolla, California as a special community due to its importance as a visitor destination and likely due to the world-renowned institutions like UC San Diego and the Salk Institute that call it home.

What does Joya mean?

From the word, meaning “happy”, which is from the Old French joie and the Latin gaudia. Joy.
