What chisel can I use on concrete?

Masonry Chisels Mason’s chisels are ideal for cutting bricks, cement blocks, and cinders. They can also be used for applications such as removing excess mortar.

Can you break concrete with a chisel?

A cold chisel is the right hand tool for breaking up small areas of concrete. Demolishing concrete is a heavy-duty task that calls for heavy-duty tools. Most concrete demolition projects call for the use of a jack hammer or hammer drill.

How much is a concrete chisel?

Compare Similar Chisels

current product Top Rated
3/4 in. x 12 in. Concrete Chisel Cold Chisel Kit (3-Piece) 1 in. x 12 in. Guardian Handguard Chisel
$1367 $1367 $1697
(114) (84) (79)
Individual/Set Individual Individual Individual

How do you chisel excess concrete?

Put on a pair of safety glasses before beginning. Depending on the size of the residue, use a smaller or larger hammer to apply more force and a smaller or larger chisel to break up smaller or larger chunks. Small blobs may be removed just by prying them off with the chisel blade and not using a hammer.

Can you use wood chisel on concrete?

While you can use a cold chisel for masonry work, it is easier to cut into stone, concrete or brick with chisels especially designed for that purpose.

How do you break a large concrete?

Sledgehammer is the best tool to use if the slab of concrete is three inches thick or less. Dig at the base of the slab to find the bottom….Tool #1: Sledgehammer + Pry Bar

  1. Recruit a buddy to lift a corner with a pry bar.
  2. Pry and pull out the broken chunks as they break apart.
  3. Don’t hit the same spot twice.

Can you break concrete with an air hammer?

That means you want to buy or rent or borrow an electric or pneumatic jackhammer. Electric and pneumatic jackhammers both break up the concrete using a high-power and fast moving pointed chisel into the concrete, so deciding on one is simply a matter of availability, price, and preference.