What causes opaque hemithorax?

The usual causes of opaque hemithorax include massive pleural effusion, large pulmonary mass, destroyed lung, consolidation, collapse and agenesis of lung.

What is a hemithorax?

Hemothorax is when blood collects between your chest wall and your lungs. This area where blood can pool is known as the pleural cavity. The buildup of the volume of blood in this space can eventually cause your lung to collapse as the blood pushes on the outside of the lung.

What causes complete opacification of lung?

Complete opacification on chest radiographs may be due to collapse of the lung, consolidation, massive pleural effusion, empyema, hemothorax, chylothorax, fibrothorax, and other causes.

What is the most likely cause of the Opacified hemithorax based on the chest radiograph?

Complete Opacification of a hemithorax seen on a posterior anterior radiograph of Chest usually indicates presence of extensive disease. The diagnosis in such cases may be quite variable and the differential diagnosis extends from congenital conditions to inflammatory, infective and malignant conditions.

What is the meaning of opacification?

[ ō-păs′ə-fĭ-kā′shən ] n. The process of making something opaque. The formation of opacities.

What does complete opacification of lung mean?

Pulmonary opacification represents the result of a decrease in the ratio of gas to soft tissue (blood, lung parenchyma and stroma) in the lung. When reviewing an area of increased attenuation (opacification) on a chest radiograph or CT it is vital to determine where the opacification is.

What is lung opacification?

Is hemothorax life threatening?

Hemothorax is a serious condition that can be life-threatening if left untreated. Where a person has received medical attention, diagnosis and treatment outcomes are good. Without medical care, this is not always the case. Anyone who has had chest injury should get checked out for hemothorax.

What does complete opacification mean?

2) while partial opacification was defined as at least one-third of the maxillary sinus being opacified without clear distinct boundaries (Fig. 3). Complete opacification was a completely opacified maxilla in all axial and coronal slices (Fig. 4).

What does Opacified mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of opacify transitive verb. : to cause (as the cornea or internal organs) to become opaque or radiopaque. intransitive verb. : to become opaque or radiopaque.

How do you treat opacities in the lungs?

In case of bacterial or viral infections, treating with intravenous antibiotics and other supportive medicine relieves the symptoms, and the haziness resolves spontaneously without any further management. In severe cases of ground-glass opacities, lobectomy surgery is used to remove the affected part of the lung.