What causes butter tarts to be runny?

Why are my butter tarts runny? If your butter tart filling is too runny, it could be over-mixed. If you stir the filling too much, the eggs will hold air. That air rises in the oven causing the filling to puff up, then sinks in the center when the tarts are removed from the oven.

What is butter tart filling made of?

A butter tart is a small pastry tart filled with a deliciously gooey semi-solid syrup made up of butter, sugar, and eggs. Often dried fruit or nuts are added to the filling. These sweet little gems are said to have originated in Quebec back in the 1600s.

How do you make butter tarts less runny?

How do I make the butter tart filling firmer? If you prefer your filling to be less runny, simply increase the brown sugar to ¾ cup and decrease the corn syrup to ¼ cup. Also, you can leave these in the oven for an extra minute or two for a firmer and more solid butter tart filling.

Why do my butter tarts crystallize?

Why do butter tarts crystallize? The filling for butter tarts contains a lot of sugar and sugar is sucrose, which wants to crystallize. If you find your filling is too crystallized, try adding in a little corn syrup (just a tablespoon even) or add a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice.

How do you thicken butter tarts?

— If tarts are too runny for your taste, add an extra egg or two in the next batch to thicken the filling.

What can replace corn syrup?

5 Healthier Substitutes for Corn Syrup

  1. Maple syrup. Derived from the sap of the maple tree, maple syrup is a natural sweetener known for its distinct taste and aroma.
  2. Honey. Honey is a popular sweetener that has been lauded for its health benefits.
  3. Stevia.
  4. Golden syrup.
  5. Molasses.

Can I use white sugar instead of brown sugar in butter tarts?

? What Ingredients do I need You will need these ingredients to make this Old Fashioned Butter Tarts recipe (see recipe card for quantities): All Purpose Flour, Salt, Unsalted Butter, White Sugar, Water, Light Brown Sugar, Corn Syrup, Eggs and Vanilla Extract.

What can I use instead of corn syrup?

5 Healthier Substitutes for Corn Syrup

  • Maple syrup. Derived from the sap of the maple tree, maple syrup is a natural sweetener known for its distinct taste and aroma.
  • Honey. Honey is a popular sweetener that has been lauded for its health benefits.
  • Stevia.
  • Golden syrup.
  • Molasses.

Can you substitute maple syrup for corn syrup?

Maple Syrup. Our favorite pancake topper can be used as a one-to-one substitute for corn syrup in most recipes (but not candy making). Just keep in mind that maple syrup has quite a strong, earthy flavor.