What causes areflexia?

What Causes Areflexia? It’s generally a symptom of peripheral neuropathy, which is damage to a nerve in the peripheral nervous system. This system includes nerves outside the brain and spinal column.

Is areflexia curable?

Some of the conditions that trigger areflexia, such as MS and RA, have no current cure. The aim of treatment is to lessen the severity of symptoms and improve quality of life. Most people with MFS and Guillain-Barré syndrome will make full, or nearly full, recoveries.

What is detrusor areflexia?

Detrusor areflexia is defined as acontractility due to an abnormality of nervous control. In detrusor areflexia, the bladder cannot be demonstrated to contract during urodynamic studies. Detrusor areflexia can develop from various conditions in which the neurologic pathways innervating the bladder are damaged.

What does it mean when you have no ankle reflexes?

When reflex responses are absent this could be a clue that the spinal cord, nerve root, peripheral nerve, or muscle has been damaged. When reflex response is abnormal, it may be due to the disruption of the sensory (feeling) or motor (movement) nerves or both.

What is Achilles areflexia?

ACHILLES TENDON AREFLEXIA in a diabetic patient is usually a sign of diabetic neuropathy. Testing the Achilles tendon reflex (ATR) may also be useful in screening for diabetes. 1. Conventionally, reflexes are quantitated numerically (0 to 4+) or descriptively (absent, hypoactive, normal, hyperactive).

What causes no reflex in legs?

An absent or diminished patellar tendon reflex may be due to PNS pathology affecting either the afferent sensory neurons or the efferent motor neurons. If the reflex is absent or diminished combined with sensory loss, the lesion is likely in the afferent sensory nerves.

What causes detrusor failure?

Underactive detrusor is often accompanied by sensory dysfunction of the bladder, which is mainly caused by diabetes. This is characterized by impaired sensation of fullness, increased bladder capacity, reduced detrusor voiding pressure and increased postmicturition residual volume (2).

What causes detrusor Underactivity?

In this article, we review the neurogenic causes of detrusor underactivity, including diabetic bladder dysfunction, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cerebrovascular accident, traumatic brain injury, and Fowler’s syndrome.

Why is the ankle jerk reflex important?

The ankle jerk reflex, also known as the Achilles reflex, occurs when the Achilles tendon is tapped while the foot is dorsiflexed. It is a type of stretch reflex that tests the function of the gastrocnemius muscle and the nerve that supplies it.

What causes no knee-jerk reflex?

Clinical Significance An absent or diminished patellar tendon reflex may be due to PNS pathology affecting either the afferent sensory neurons or the efferent motor neurons. If the reflex is absent or diminished combined with sensory loss, the lesion is likely in the afferent sensory nerves.