What causes a dry skin in cheeks and nose?

Cold air, harsh weather, and dry air are all a recipe for dry skin especially if you’re not protecting your skin from the elements. Hot water. While it’s tempting to indulge in a long, hot shower during cold winter months, hot showers can actually make dry skin worse. Excessive dehydration.

Why is my face dry around my nose?

In day-to-day life, anyone can experience dry skin around the nose due to changes in weather, irritation caused by sweat, nursing a cold, skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, having a shower or bath that’s too hot, using the wrong skincare products, and more.

How do I fix dry skin around my nose?

Ways to Fix Dry Skin Around Your Nose

  1. Moisturize Every Day. Applying moisturizer can have benefits for your skin, as a study in the Journal of Cosmetic Science illustrates.
  2. Get Help With a Humidifier.
  3. Use a Nasal Spray.
  4. Stick to 15-Minute Showers (or Less)

How do you treat dry cheeks?


  1. washing the face daily with a gentle cleanser.
  2. wearing sunscreen every day.
  3. applying moisturizer after bathing or washing the face.
  4. using warm, not hot, water when washing the face and bathing.
  5. staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  6. limiting caffeine intake.
  7. limiting time in direct sunlight.

Why are my upper cheeks dry?

Although dry patches on the face can also be caused by medications, hormone imbalances, or skin conditions, dry patches are commonly caused by incorrect skincare and extreme weather conditions. So, it’s important to learn how to moisturize your face properly to lock in moisture and protect your skin from drying out.

What causes dry cheeks?

Dry facial skin may result from many factors. These include exposure to changing temperature or humidity levels, using harsh soaps, and skin conditions such as eczema. Most cases of dry, flaky skin on your face are mild and will clear up with time.

Is Vaseline good for dry skin on your face?

Vaseline is safe and even recommended for use on dry skin. Because of its occlusive properties, Vaseline can help soothe skin that’s chafed and dry. It’s especially handy for the thin skin on your eyelids. Unlike most products, Vaseline is safe to use in the area around your eyes.

How do I know if I have eczema or dry skin?

When skin gets very dry, it becomes cracked and scaly. This makes it easier for irritants to get inside. Dry skin is also a symptom of eczema. If you have an eczema flare, dry skin may be the first sign.