What can you say instead of in many ways?

What is another word for in many ways?

in large part in many parts
to a great degree to a great extent
to a large extent to some degree
to some extent

What is the synonym of ways?

method, course of action, process, procedure, technique, system. plan, strategy, scheme. means, mechanism, routine, manner, approach, route, road. modus operandi.

What is another word for in Which?

What is another word for in which?

where whereupon
at which inside of which
which is where

What is the word for something that has many uses?

multifunctional. adjective. something that is multifunctional does several different things or has several different uses.

What does in many ways mean?

to a great degree
Definition of in many ways : to a great degree : in many parts In many ways, their stories are the same.

How do you write and in a different way?

synonyms for and

  1. along with.
  2. also.
  3. as a consequence.
  4. as well as.
  5. furthermore.
  6. including.
  7. moreover.
  8. together with.

What does in way of mean?

Definition of in the way of —used to indicate the type of thing that is being described, thought of, etc. His parents offered him little in the way of emotional support.

Is way more synonym?

“I felt more pain after undergoing surgery.”…What is another word for way more?

additional extra
needless unnecessary
an additional a further
a farther leftover
in addition supererogatory

How do you use in which in a sentence?

I went to a musical theater in which a traditional Chinese opera was held. The sentence above precisely describes the space inside an enclosed theater where the opera took place, as opposed to any vague location. What is this?

What is the meaning of in which?

The “which” in your example refers to “a sentence in a normally subject-first language”, and in that sentence, the predicate comes before the subject. Here are some more examples: The house in which he lived only had one window. = He lived in a house which only had one window.

What is the synonym of uses?

The words employ and utilize are common synonyms of use. While all three words mean “to put into service especially to attain an end,” use implies availing oneself of something as a means or instrument to an end.