What can you make with the letter E?

12 Letter E Crafts For Kids

  • Elephant Craft. What a great way to learn the letter E.
  • Elmo Craft. Use fork painting to make Elmo from the letter E.
  • Eagle Worksheet. And here is an uppercase and lowercase E for Eagle tracing worksheet!
  • Free Letter E Worksheets.
  • E Is For Eyes.
  • Earth Craft.
  • Letter E Eye Spy Tray.
  • Envelope Craft.

What fun things that start with e?

So, here is a list of everyday objects or things that start with the letter E….List of things that start with E:

Egg Eye Ear
Earphones Easel Easter Bunny
Easter Egg Echo Eggplant
Elastic Elbows Elevator
Enchiladas Engine Envelope

What are words that start with e?


  • eagle.
  • eagre.
  • eared.
  • earls.
  • early.
  • earns.
  • earth.
  • What starts with the letter E for show and tell?

    Show and Tell Letter E Ideas

    • Easter egg.
    • elephant.
    • eggplant.
    • egg.
    • egg roll.
    • Eggo.
    • English muffins.
    • elf.

    What is a 5 letter word starting with E?

    5-letter words starting with E

    Eadys EAfrE
    Eagan Eagar
    eager eagle
    eagre Eakly
    eales Ealys

    What toys start with E for kids?

    Toys that Start with E

    • Easter egg.
    • elephant.
    • egg (from a play food set)
    • elf (I know elves have rules but maybe there could be a special exception for show and tell?)
    • ear (from a Mr.
    • eraser (my kids usually have a few cute erasers floating around from parties and holidays)
    • engine (toy train)
    • Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh)