What can you do with a particle accelerator?

Particle accelerators also can be used to create radioactive material by shooting charged particles at atoms to change them into different, unstable atoms. The radioactive material produced can be used for research, medicine, or other applications.

Are there experiments at the LHC?

Eight experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) use detectors to analyse the myriad of particles produced by collisions in the accelerator. These experiments are run by collaborations of scientists from institutes all over the world. Each experiment is distinct, and characterised by its detectors.

Can a particle accelerator give you superpowers?

Point is, no, particle accelerators won’t give you superpowers. Nothing will give a person superpowers (except money for a Batman-like superhero). Particle accelerators are just the latest in a long history of convenient explanations to the general public for how the impossible happened.

Is it possible to make a particle accelerator with dark matter?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is renowned for the hunt for and discovery of the Higgs boson, but in the 10 years since the machine collided protons at an energy higher than previously achieved at a particle accelerator, researchers have been using it to try to hunt down an equally exciting particle: the hypothetical …

How do you make a homemade cyclotron?

Put that hardware inside a metal chamber, create a vacuum to get rid of all the other particles in the air, add a magnet to steer the ions in circles, and use radio waves to speed them up, and you’ve got yourself a cyclotron.

Can a particle accelerator create a black hole?

Although the Standard Model of particle physics predicts that LHC energies are far too low to create black holes, some extensions of the Standard Model posit the existence of extra spatial dimensions, in which it would be possible to create micro black holes at the LHC at a rate of the order of one per second.

Can a particle accelerator create dark matter?

How much does black matter cost?

Discovering just one dozen dark particles would be enough to throw all of modern physics for a loop. Considering the LUX experiment cost about $10 million to build, that puts the effective price of dark matter at, oh, about one million trillion trillion dollars per ounce. This is off-the-charts precious material.

Is Black Hole dark?

Dark matter, which has never been directly observed, is thought to be most of the matter in the universe and act as the scaffolding upon which galaxies form and develop. On the other hand, black holes, which can be found at the centers of most galaxies, have been observed.