What can I use instead of vagrant?

Top Alternatives to Vagrant

  • VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise.
  • Ansible. Ansible is an IT automation tool.
  • Packer. Packer automates the creation of any type of machine image.
  • Terraform.
  • OpenStack.
  • Docker.
  • Puppet Labs.
  • Kubernetes.

Is vagrant a hypervisor?

Vagrant comes with support out of the box for Hyper-V, a native hypervisor written by Microsoft. Hyper-V is available by default for almost all Windows 8.1 and later installs. The Hyper-V provider is compatible with Windows 8.1 and later only.

What is vagrant virtual machine?

Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases production parity, and makes the “works on my machine” excuse a relic of the past.

Is Vagrant better than Docker?

Vagrant allows you to isolate all the necessary resources completely. However, compared to Docker, it requires more resources initially. Compared to Vagrant, Docker wins on this criterion because it spends fewer resources, and you can create Docker images faster than Vagrant virtual machines.

Is Vagrant still used?

Vagrant is still alive and used.

Is vagrant better than Docker?

How do I use vagrant on Windows?

Steps to Up and Run Ubuntu Desktop (GUI Mode) via Vagrant

  1. 1- Install Git for Windows.
  2. 2- Install VirtualBox.
  3. 3- Install Vagrant.
  4. Vagrant init (Initialize)
  5. Vagrant up (Run the VM)
  6. Vagrant suspend (Save the VM’s State)
  7. Vagrant halt (Shut down the VM)
  8. Vagrant ssh (Connecting non-gui Linux OS)

Should I use vagrant or Docker?

The important difference between Vagrant vs. Docker is that Docker is used to create and run Linux containers, while Vagrant does the work to provision a machine with an operating system, a Docker installation and any other application that needs to run on the OS.

Is Vagrant dead?

The Vagrant Dead are people who have died that have yet to move on. They either have refused to accept the fact that they are dead or they were killed so quickly that they haven’t realized it yet. As such, they always stay near the places where they died. They can be seen when one goes todash.

Can Docker replace Vagrant?

Docker (and the various ways you can make it behave like Vagrant) is a specific use case of Vagrant, ignoring everything else Vagrant has to offer. In conclusion: in highly specific use cases, Docker is certainly a possible replacement for Vagrant.