What build is best for Argonian Skyrim?

Assassin. The best build for an Argonian in Skyrim is without a doubt the assassin build. With their skill set, they can sneak from place to place and one-hit-kill their enemies without anyone noticing.

What builds are Argonians good for?

Argonian Racial Bonuses Argonians get a +10 boost to their Lockpicking stat and a +5 boost to their Light Armor, Alteration, Pickpocket, Restoration and Sneak skills. This makes them great for assassin or thief builds, though they lack the boost to melee attacks that would assist them in combat.

What race is best for an assassin in Skyrim?

Skyrim: All Races to Play As An Assassin, Ranked

  1. 1 Khajiit. The catfolk of Elsweyr have the best stealth skills of all Tamriel’s races.
  2. 2 Bosmer/Wood Elf.
  3. 3 Dunmer/Dark Elf.
  4. 4 Breton.
  5. 5 Altmer/High Elf.
  6. 6 Argonian.
  7. 7 Redguard.
  8. 8 Imperial.

What are Argonians best at?

The Argonians’ stealth and lockpicking make them brilliant assassins, thieves, scouts, and ambushers. Their lack of combat bonuses in archery and one-handed weapons can be overcome by natural skill leveling and play.

What weapons should Argonians use?

Battle Axe.

  • Bow.
  • Quiver.
  • Maul.
  • Greatsword.
  • Axe.
  • Mace.
  • Sword.
  • Why Argonians are the best?

    In addition to their roguish abilities, Argonians also have a bevy of survivability boosts. Their Histskin ability allows them to heal 10 times faster for a full minute once a day. Combined with their affinity for Restoration magic and starting Healing spell, the Argonians can make for tough tank-types.

    Are Argonians good archers?

    The Argonian race is an average choice for stealth archer builds in Skyrim, due to their natural proficiency in all things stealthy.

    What is the most played race in Skyrim?

    Race. At over 24%, the Nord race is by far the favourite, which makes sense given Skyrim’s pseudo-Scandinavian setting.

    What are good argonian names?

    The Best Argonian Names

    Female Male
    1. Nur-Mewah Caleeteus 1. Motuu Pernaresh
    2. On-Lahs Nisilus 2. Unchix-Geh Augusgulus
    3. Skeeheieeus Caynes 3. Antigonius Thefides
    4. Kia-Keema Neethmesh 4. Debameel Xemmus

    How do I get elder argonian motif?

    Where to get Elder Argonian Motif

    1. Tribal Armor Crate – Reward for completing daily quests given by Varo Hosidias in Lilmoth.
    2. Grand Tribal Armor Crate – Reward for completing daily quests given by Bolu in Lilmoth.
    3. Tribal Treasure Crate – Reward for completing daily quests given by Tuwul in Root-Whisper Village.

    How are Argonians born?

    Argonians start out in life as eggs; when a clutch of Argonian eggs is laid, they are placed near Hist trees in areas known as hatching pools. When the eggs hatch, they form a connection to the Hist. If, for whatever reason, this connection to the Hist is not present or is severed, the unborn within the eggs die.