What brand says taste the rainbow?

candy Skittles
However, sometimes, overhauling a well-known slogan or tagline can have a huge impact on a brand or product. Since 1994, the multi-colored candy Skittles was synonymous with its slogan “Taste the Rainbow,” but around the early 2000s, that slogan started to see some interesting changes in a marketing sense.

When did taste the rainbow start?

They were first introduced in North America in 1979 as an import confectionery. In 1982, domestic production of Skittles began in the United States. Skittles’ “taste the rainbow” theme was created by the New York ad agency D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles.

Does Skittles have a jingle?

Skittles: “Taste The Rainbow.” Remarkably, even decades after it was created, the slogan for Skittles, “Taste the rainbow” has done plenty right.

Is the Skittles wedding commercial real?

Entitled ‘Newlyweds’, the viral campaign is actually an elaborate parody that has no official connection to the confectionary brand whatsoever, yet considering the massive YouTube hits the clip has been receiving, we don’t imagine Skittles sales will be negatively affected in any way.

Why were lime Skittles replaced?

But in 2013, Skittles-maker Wrigley decided to break up the band, kicking out lime in favor of green apple. (Rumor has it that green apple out-performed lime in taste tests.) Suddenly, lime Skittles were thrust into the spotlight as many fans lamented their disappearance.

How many flavors of original Skittles are there?

five original Skittles flavors
Lime is one of the five original Skittles flavors along with orange, lemon, grape and strawberry. Since the lime/green apple switch in 2013, Skittles’ parent company Mars Wrigley says there have been more than 130,000 mentions from fans on social media talking about the lime flavor.

When did the Skittles pox commercial come out?

Skittles Ad (2012 Television Commercial)