What book is Hermione tortured in?

In Deathly Hallows, Hermione faced a real test of her physical and psychological stamina. After being on the run from a bunch of Snatchers, the gang were taken to Malfoy Manor, where Bellatrix proceeded to torture Hermione using the Cruciatus Curse.

Why did peeves listen to Fred and George?

Though he never hesitated to prank them, Peeves appeared to genuinely like Fred and George Weasley. Presumably, this was due to their shared trait of taking delight in causing trouble for authorities.

Does Hermione’s mudblood scar go away?

Hermione Granger has sustained several injuries following her torture at the Malfoy Manor by Bellatrix Lestrange and presumably during the Battle of Hogwarts. Every scar fades in time, except the ‘mudblood’ carved on her arm by Bellatrix.

Who is Peeves afraid of?

the Bloody Baron
He has also been known to show an affinity for rare students (notably Fred and George Weasley), and is certainly afraid of the ghost of Slytherin, the Bloody Baron.

How was Peeves created?

Peeves wasn’t created. He is a poltergeist and “came with the castle”. Poltergeists appear in places where large numbers of adolescents are often (Like a school). They are also Non-Human Spiritious Apparitions which are ammortal and therefore weren’t born, don’t live and can’t die.

How much is a misprint Harry Potter book worth?

One book that includes the misprint is even expected to bring in more than $33,000 when it is sold at London’s Bonhams Fine Books and Manuscripts in November.

What was Harry Potter’s flaw?

He Has Been Known To Be Moody. Harry is a teenager, so an unsurprising flaw is his moodiness.

Who is the most tragic character in Harry Potter?

Whether it’s thanks to Voldemort or just really awful parents, nobody has it easy in Harry Potter….10 Harry Potter Characters With The Most Tragic Backstories,…

  1. 1 Remus Lupin.
  2. 2 Neville Longbottom.
  3. 3 Harry Potter.
  4. 4 Sirius Black.
  5. 5 Ariana Dumbledore.
  6. 6 Severus Snape.
  7. 7 Merope Gaunt.