What block is 600 from?

Notable Members. Lil Shaun [Confirmed 6-7x] ? is a BD(III) originally from Front$treet061Boyz. However, after moving to Parkway Gardens he became apart of WIIIC CITY(Now known as O’Block), he is more of an O’Block member than a Front$treet member but still reps both.

What is 300 gang?

Chicago police say the number 300 is street slang for Black Disciple gang. BDK, meaning Black Disciple Killer, is a taunt from a rival who wants to kill gang members, according to the SunTimes.

What gang is Jaro City?

Jaro City is a renegade set of Gangster Disciples and Black Disciples. Jaro City was named to honor a fallen member “Jarvis” who was killed in 2005. They also go by names like “COB”, “Darkside” and “ABM”. They also go by the name “Tutu Gang” to honor Tutu.


Edai is listed as a member of the Black Disciples gang and was reportedly part of the set known as ‘600,’ named after the block in Chicago where it was founded. His music label was named Team 600 ENT in its honor.

Who all signed to OTF?

Interscope Records
Only the Family/Record labels

Who all is in OTF?

King VonOnly the Family / Members

What does EBT mean gang?

They are also allies with MOB. STL stands for “St. Lawrence” and EBT stands for “E Block Territory” or “Eberhart”.

What is the 600 gang?

In 2009, after Brick City was slowly starting to clique up with Black Disciple sets, that lead them to flip to a Black Disciple gang known as “600”. 600 is known for having talented rappers and deadly shooters such as “L’A Capone”, “RondoNumbaNine”, “EDai”, and way more. 600 used to be feared by people around Washington Park for their shooters.

What are the signs and symbols used by gang members?

Hand signs are generally made by the formation of fingers on one or both the hands so as to make a symbol. It could also deliver more specific information. Other signs and symbols used by gang members are special handshakes, which is also a component of a hand sign.

What are the signs for throwing up in gangs?

Hand Signs. ‘Stacking’ or ‘Throwing Up’ is a signal that is used with the hands and is one of the most common forms of ‘claiming’ or gesturing. It is used in most situations where other signals or identifiers may not be appropriate or possible. Sometimes, it is used to show that a gang member wants to do business.

What does it mean to stack up in gang sign language?

“Rack up” means to shoplift. Stack: Refers to both gang hand signals and speaking only by using them. “Some of these gangs can do the whole alphabet in their own signs or using American sign language,” says Savelli. “They could have a whole conversation without saying a word.”