What birthdays are special in Japan?
What birthdays are special in Japan?
Japan has several birthdays which are considered to have special meanings. The third, fifth, and seventh birthdays are the occasions of shichi-go-san (七五三), a festival for three and seven-year-old girls and five-year-old boys.
Why is 77 a special birthday in Japan?
77th Birthday Tradition Turning 77 also deserves a special celebration in Japanese culture. Why? Because this year is seen as the “joyous year” or “happy age.” Someone living to this age is indeed fortunate. It is considered a rite of passage or ga no iwai.
Why is 60th birthday special in Japan?
In Japan, the 60th year of life is called “kanreki” (還暦) and is celebrated as a rebirth or re-entry into childhood. Sixty years is the full cycle of the Chinese zodiac calendar, which was adopted for use in Japan starting in the year 604.
Why is Japan’s 20th birthday special?
Municipal governments host special coming-of-age ceremonies for 20-year-olds, since an “adult” in Japan is legally defined as one who is 20 or over. In Japan, the legal smoking and drinking age is 20. But along with these rights come new responsibilities as well, and so age 20 is a big turning point for the Japanese.
How are birthdays normally celebrated in Japan?
History of Japanese Birthday Traditions. Birthday traditions on a person’s actual birthday have only come into existence in the last century.
What are the special birthdays in Japan?
General Information about Birthdays in Japan: How do Japanese people count age?
How to write happy birthday in Japanese?
In Japanese, “happy birthday” is written “お誕生日おめでとう” (otanjoubi omedetou) or “お誕生日おめでとうございます” (otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu). They have the same meaning; the second one is just more polite. The phrase consists of two parts. “Birthday” and “congratulation.”. “お誕生日” (otanjoubi) means birthday.
How to say birthday present in Japanese?
– Example: My Birthday is June 5th – Watashi no tanjoubi wa Rokugatsu no muika. – 私の誕生日は 6月 の 5日。