What bait is best for muskie?
What bait is best for muskie?
Bucktails – Bucktails are arguably the most popular bait used by musky anglers. Bucktails produce vibrations in the water that are easily felt by a musky’s lateral line. Bucktails can be retrieved at any speed, depending on the conditions. The most popular bucktails are double 9 blades and double 10 blades.
What lures do tiger muskie like?
Suckers, pikeminnows and other fish make up the bulk of tiger muskies’ diet, and minnow-imitating lures typically work best. Floating and diving crankbaits measuring 8 to 10 inches are common, with some anglers using lures up to 12 inches long. Extra-large spinners, spoons and bucktails can also be effective.
How deep should you fish for muskies?
Most muskies are caught less than 30 feet deep, often from 15 to 25 feet. Sometimes they’re much shallower. Most casters lure fish in from 5 to 15 feet deep while trollers usually catch them from 8 to 30.
What colors do Muskie like?
The most popular choices were natural, stealthy colors that match the hatch of the muskies’ forage in most waters. Black, white (or silver), and gold are all colors of fish that are on the musky’s menu, including: suckers.
Do musky hit topwater lures?
“Muskies don’t miss topwater lures by mistake,” he says. “It’s never an accident. So, if you’re seeing fish, or having them boil on your bait, it’s because you’re doing something they don’t want you to do. Usually it’s the speed of your retrieve.
Where do muskies hang out?
Muskies spawn at around 55 degrees so ideal spawning sites are located in shallow, flat, marshy areas usually lees than 3 feet in depth. Protection from wind and colder main lake water temperatures make isolated bays, islands and small creek inlets all good spawning sites.
How deep of water do muskies swim?
As a rule, muskies prefer shallow waters. They rarely go deeper than 40 ft (12 m) because they like to hide among the vegetated areas that need sunlight for growth.
Why do muskies swim with head out of water?
Muskellunge have also been seem “basking” and occasionally “porpoising” with their backs out of the water. This is suspected to be associated with getting to warmer surface water, perhaps to increase metabolism and aid digestion of a large meal (reptiles seek warmth for similar reasons).