What ASVAB score do you need for communications?

Career Fields and ASVAB Scores

MOS/Job Title ASVAB Line Score Required
06 — Communications
0612 – Field Wireman GT=90
0613 – Construction Wireman EL=90
0614 – Unit Level Circuit Switch (ULCS) Operator/Maintainer EL=100

How do you become a mass communications specialist in the Navy?

Navy: Mass Communication Specialist

  1. Physical Requirements: MCs must have normal color perception and vision correctable to 20/20.
  2. Minimum Education: High School or Equivalent.
  3. Basic Training: 8 Weeks.
  4. Technical Training: 27 Weeks.
  5. Tech School Location: Fort George Meade, MD.
  6. U.S. Citizenship Required: Yes.

What is a good score for Navy ASVAB?

Finding your Navy Job (NEC) To join the Navy as an enlisted member, you usually must get a good score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. The maximum ASVAB score is 99. For enlistment into the Navy, you must get a minimum ASVAB score of 31, although in same cases a 26 is permitted.

What ASVAB score do you need to be a recruiter?

Qualifications and Training Information ASVAB Score Required: 110 in aptitude area GT waivable to 100 with a score of 100 in aptitude ST. Other Qualifications: Formal training (successful completion of the appropriate MOS 79R course conducted under the auspices of the Recruiting and Retention School) is mandatory.

What is the ASVAB score for a mass communication specialist?

Navy Jobs (Rating) ASVAB Line Score Requirements

Navy Rating ASVAB Score
Mass Communication Specialist MC VE+AR= 115ANDVE=55
Machinist’s Mate MM VE+AR+MK+AS= 188-OR-VE+AR+MK+AO= 193
MM Submarine MMA/MMS VE+AR+MK+EI= 207-OR-AR+GS+MC+EI= 207
Mineman MN VE+AR+MK+MC= 210-OR-VE+AR+MK+AS= 210

Is a 70 on the ASVAB good?

With ASVAB Standard scores, the majority of students score between 30 and 70. This means that a standard score of 50 is an average score, and a score of 60 would be an above-average score.

What is the Navy Rate MC?

Mass Communication Specialist
Mass Communication Specialist (abbreviated as MC) is a United States Navy public affairs type rating….

Mass Communication Specialist
Type Enlisted rating
Abbreviation MC
Specialty Communication and Experience Design

What does a Navy MC do?

Mass Communication Specialists tell the Navy’s story to support the commander’s overall communication goals. They define communication problems, ideate solutions, create multimedia products, and evaluate the success of media campaigns.

What is the lowest ASVAB score for Navy?

The minimum ASVAB score to join the US Navy is an AFQT of 31, placing it 5 points lower than the Air Force. Your AFQT score can be calculated by combining the scores from the following portions of the test: AR + MK + WK + PC.

What is the average Navy ASVAB score?

With ASVAB Standard scores, the majority of students score between 30 and 70. This means that a standard score of 50 is an average score, and a score of 60 would be an above-average score.

What is the lowest score on ASVAB?

The Air Force and Army have the lowest minimum AFQT score (31) for high school diploma holders, while the Coast Guard has the highest (40)….What Is a Good ASVAB Score? Minimum Scores for Enlistment.

Military Branch Minimum AFQT Score (High School Diploma) Minimum AFQT Score (GED)
Air Force 31 50
Army 31 50

What happens if you get a 99 on the ASVAB?

The highest ASVAB score that you can receive is an AFQT score of 99 which means that you have done better than 99% of other test-takers. However, because of the difficulty on the ASVAB exam, it’s nearly impossible to ace the exam, so it is always important to strive to do your best.