What assets are subject to probate in Virginia?

Probate assets can include vehicles, real estate, bank and brokerage accounts, and personal belongings (for example, jewelry, home furnishings, artwork, and collections). Life insurance proceeds that are payable to the estate (not a named beneficiary) are also probate assets.

Do all Wills go through probate?

No, not all Wills go to Probate and in fact even if there is no Will, some Estates will still need to go through the Probate process.

What triggers probate in Virginia?

In Virginia, probate is the legal process that happens after a person (the “decedent”) dies, regardless of whether the person died with a valid will or without a valid will. If a decedent dies with a will, then their property is distributed according to the will.

Does every executor have to apply for probate?

Do all executors of a will have to apply for probate? Often more than one executor is named in a will, but not all of the executors have to apply for probate. A maximum of four people can apply to the Probate Registry to prove a will and be named on the grant of probate.

Does a will have to be recorded in Virginia?

A. Every will or authenticated copy admitted to probate by any circuit court or clerk of any circuit court shall be recorded by the clerk and remain in the clerk’s office, except during such time as the same may be carried to another court under a subpoena duces tecum or as otherwise provided in § 17.1-213.

Do I need probate if I have power of attorney?

The fact that you had power of attorney during someone’s lifetime doesn’t have any bearing on whether or not probate is needed after they die. Whether probate is needed will depend on what the person owned when they died owned.

Do all wills have to be registered?

There is absolutely nothing in the law that requires a will to be registered in order for it to be valid. You can simply write your will, do what you need to make it legal, and store it in a safe place for your loved ones to read later.

How do you avoid probate in Virginia?

In Virginia, you can make a living trust to avoid probate for virtually any asset you own—real estate, bank accounts, vehicles, and so on. You need to create a trust document (it’s similar to a will), naming someone to take over as trustee after your death (called a successor trustee).

What are the requirements for a will to be valid in Virginia?

What Constitutes a Valid Will in Virginia?

  • Age. The testator must be at least 18 years old.
  • In Writing.
  • Signed by the Testator.
  • Competent.
  • Voluntarily and of Their Free Will.
  • Minimum of Two Witnesses.
  • Self-Proving Affidavit Not Required, but Recommended.
  • Holographic Will, Exception.