What area code is 615 in Nashville?

Area code 615Nashville / Area code

Is area code 615 in Central Time Zone?

The 615 area code is located in the Central timezone.

Are 615 numbers still available?

The 629 area code will be assigned to all new Nashville-area phone numbers once 615 is no longer available.

Which country has 615 code?

Area codes 615 and 629 are area codes in Tennessee serving Nashville (Davidson County) and the 12 surrounding counties….External links.

North: 270
West: 931 area code 615/629 East: 931
South: 931
Kentucky area codes: 270/364, 502, 606, 859

Is Nashville in Central Time Zone?

Current local time in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, Central Time Zone – daylight saving time change dates 2022.

Is Nashville TN Central time?

Time Zone in Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Current: CDT — Central Daylight Time
Next Change: CST — Central Standard Time
Current Offset: UTC/GMT -5 hours
Difference: 1 hour behind New York

What are Nashville area codes?

What does 615 mean in Tennessee?

The 615 area code generally covers the north-central portion of the state of Tennessee serving communities such as Franklin, Gallatin, Hendersonville, Lebanon, Murfreesboro, Nashville and Springfield. The new 629 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 615 area code.

Does Nashville have a new area code?

The 629 area code will be assigned to all new Nashville-area phone numbers once 615 is no longer available. The new area code isn’t a problem for most Nashville residents, including those with 615 area codes, except it will require dialing 10 digits instead of 7 for local calls.

What is the County of Nashville TN?

Davidson CountyNashville / County

What zone is Nashville TN?

Zone 7a
USDA Hardiness Zones The US is broken down into 11 zones, 1 being the coldest, and 11 being the warmest. For example, Regent Homes headquarters of Nashville, Tennessee is designated as Zone 7a, meaning our average annual extreme minimum temperature is 0 to 5 degrees.