What area code is 51?

Telephone numbers in Peru

Country calling code +51
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

What area code is 52?

52 is Mexico’s international dialing code. Area Code – There are 385 area codes in Mexico so if there’s a code you need to dial it after you dial the international dialing code (52).

What area code is 55?

Area code 55 serves Mexico City and its metropolitan area.

How many digits are in a Peru number?

Peru’s telephone numbers are made up of 10 numbers split into groups of 3. So if you’re going to make a call to Peru using a mobile phone, you should dial country code+area code+6-7-digit number.

Which country is Peru?

At 1.28 million km2 (0.5 million mi2), Peru is the 19th largest country in the world, and the third largest in South America….Peru.

Republic of Peru República del Perú (Spanish) Co-official names Quechua: Piruw Ripuwlika Aymara: Piruwxa Ripuwlika
Capital and largest city Lima 12°2.6′S 77°1.7′W

What country code is 52 33?

The country code of Mexico is +52. Area code 33 serves the Metropolitan area of Guadalajara, Jalisco, area code 55 and area code 56 serve the Metropolitan area of Mexico City (Mexico State and the CDMX) and area code 81 serves the Metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo León.

What country is 53 code?

Cuba Country
Cuba Country Code 53 – Worldometer.

Which country code is 55 11?

Telephone numbers in Brazil

NSN length 10 digits (landlines) 11 digits (mobiles)
Typical format AA NNNN-NNNN (landlines) AA 9NNNN-NNNN (mobile lines)
Access codes
Country calling code +55

Which country code is 54?

Argentina Country
Argentina Country Code 54 – Worldometer.

Does WhatsApp work in Peru?

Skype, WhatsApp, and Facebook in Peru Yes, you are, no problem whatsoever.