What are zopiclone 7.5 mg used for?

Zopiclone is a type of sleeping pill that can be taken for short-term treatment of severe insomnia. It helps you fall asleep more quickly, and also helps stop you waking up during the night. It works by affecting a calming chemical in your brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Zopiclone comes as tablets.

Is zopiclone 7.5 strong?

Dosage and strength Zopiclone tablets come in 2 different strengths: 3.75mg and 7.5mg. The usual dose is one 7.5mg tablet, taken just before you go to bed. It takes around 1 hour to work. A lower dose of 3.75mg may be recommended to begin with if you’re over 65 years old or have kidney or liver problems.

How long will I sleep on zopiclone?

Zopiclone causes drowsiness but it can affect people in different ways. In some people, drowsiness can last 12 hours after taking the dose.

What does zopiclone do to the body?

How zopiclone works. The brain naturally releases calming chemicals. One of these chemicals is called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA.) Zopiclone works by boosting the effects of GABA and this helps to calm the brain, enabling you to get to sleep.

Does zopiclone give you deep sleep?

Zopiclone boosts the effectiveness of a chemical in the brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It does this to improve sleep. It helps you fall asleep more quickly and also helps to stop you waking up during the night.

What are the side effects of zopiclone 7.5 mg?

SIDE EFFECTS: Daytime drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, bitter taste, dry mouth, headache or stomach upset may occur the first few days as your body adjusts to the medication. If any of these effects continue or become bothersome, inform your doctor.

Does zopiclone reduce anxiety?

When taking zopiclone you quiet your whole brain’s activity level. This reduces anxiety and insomnia, but also causes changes to many of the body’s essential systems.

Can I cut zopiclone in half?

Experts in addiction medicine at the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) have suggested the following dose reduction will offer the least side effects: From zopiclone 7.5mg per day or less: Reduce the daily dose by half of a 3.75 mg tablet (1.875 mg) every 2 weeks.

Does zopiclone help with anxiety?

Is zopiclone used for anxiety?

This reduces anxiety and insomnia, but also causes changes to many of the body’s essential systems. This is why taking chronic high doses of zopiclone can cause such a variety of health problems and why people experience such a wide array of withdrawal symptoms after stopping.