What are your long term career goals interview answer?

Example: “I already hold a team supervisor role, and I want to move into management in the next five years. My current role has given me a lot of leadership experience, and I have enrolled in a leadership seminar to learn how to be a better manager.

What is your short term and long term goal best answer?

While the short-term goal can be achieved within the initial years, my long term goals are related to my development in upcoming years. I want to see myself taking bigger responsibilities. Bigger responsibilities mature your decision making. I understand this can take some time but I am ready to work for the cause.

What are good short term goals for an interview?

Here are some examples of short-term goals to incorporate in your answer to this interview question:

  • Learn a new set of skills.
  • Advance into a supervisory role.
  • Gain experience in team-building.
  • Earn a professional certificate.
  • Get a promotion.
  • Increase your performance standard.

What is an example of a short term goal and a long term goal?

An example of a short-term goal is to increase your advertising budget each month for the next three months. An example of a long-term business goal that the short-term goal helps achieve is to double business revenue by the end of the fiscal year.

What are examples of long term career goals?

Career long-term goals examples

  • Get promoted to a senior position at work.
  • Pivot your career into a field you’re passionate about.
  • Develop your own career plan.
  • Become a thought leader in your industry.
  • Master a job-specific skill.
  • Determine your dream job and start working towards it.
  • Build out your professional network.

What are examples of short term goals?

A short-term goal is any goal you can achieve in 12 months or less. Some examples of short-term goals: reading two books every month, quitting smoking, exercising two times a week, developing a morning routine, etc.

What are some long term career goals?

How do you answer short and long term career goals?

How to Answer “What Are Your Short/Long-Term Goals”

  1. Make Sure Your Answers Relate.
  2. Incorporate the Company’s Mission Statement.
  3. Align Your Answers With Your Experience.
  4. Emphasize Your Desire to Find Long-Term Employment.

Where do u see yourself after 5 years?

So, the “where do you see yourself in 5 years” interview question is how interviewers ask if you’re going to stay in the job. You’re excited about the position and what you’ll learn in the coming years. You’re eager to become the best at what you do and progress to the next level when appropriate.