What are ultras in Italy?

The Italian ultras – more than just football hooliganism, these are impassioned groups of ‘fans’ who see their role more as a violent occupation than a hobby. ‘Campanilismo’ is a very important aspect of life in Italy, it symbolises a sense of identity, of pride, and of belonging to the place of your birth.

What are Italian hooligans called?

Ultras are a type of association football fans who are renowned for their fanatical support. The term originated in Italy but it is used worldwide to describe predominantly organised fans of association football teams.

Are ultras real?

Ultras Sur are a gang of right-wing football hooligans associated with Real Madrid, Europe’s most successful club.

Are Sevilla fans left wing?

Sevilla, Celta and Cádiz got huge left-wing fanbases too, but they’re not so dominant as in the rest of the teams we’ve talked about.

Are Italian football fans hooligans?

Italy. The term ultrà or ultras is used to describe hooligans in Italy. Italy’s ultras started in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as wannabe paramilitary groups, and gave themselves names such as Commandos, Guerrillas and Fedayeen.

Does Barcelona have ultras?

The Boixos Nois (English: Crazy Boys, from the Catalan word “Bojos” meaning crazy) is an ultras supporter group organised around the La Liga football club FC Barcelona, based in Catalonia….Boixos Nois.

Els Boixos Nois
Established July 7, 1981
Type Supporters’ group, Ultras group
Club FC Barcelona
Location Spain

Why did Ultras Sur get banned?

The Ultras Sur recently grabbed headlines in Spain after four members were fined €3,000 (£2,500) and banned from sporting events for a year after they flaunted swastikas and other Nazi symbols during a match against Atlético Madrid. Other members of the group were caught selling fascist memorabilia at a school market.

Why Ultras Sur are banned?

They were associated with several acts of fan violence all over Spain. In stadiums, they often resorted to neo-Nazi gestures and chants. The club in fact had solid ties with them, giving them room to store their stuff in the Camp Nou and providing them with free tickets to away games, etc.

Are AC Milan right-wing?

Milan ultras have never had any particular political preference, but the media traditionally associated them with the left wing until recently, when Berlusconi’s presidency somewhat altered that view.

Is Atletico Madrid a right-wing club?

Atlético de Madrid – briefly the air force team Atlético Aviación in the 1940s – also has its share of right-leaning fans. Meanwhile, in Madrid’s southern working class suburb of Vallecas, the city’s third team has proudly flown the flag for the left.