What are two of the latest research findings on autism?

In a 2-year follow-up investigation , researchers found that the participants who received MTT treatment still experienced fewer GI issues and a continued improvement of autism-related symptoms. Scientists have also recently discovered a possible connection between genes and the gut microbiome.

What are the latest statistics on autism?

Autism Prevalence In 2021, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 44 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to 2018 data. Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.

What is the current symbol for autism?

The Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon is the most enduring and recognized symbol of the autism community in the world.

What is autism scholarly articles?

Autism is a major, peer-reviewed, international journal, published 8 times a year, publishing research of direct and practical relevance to help improve the quality of life for individuals with autism or autism-related disorders.

What is new in autism research?

A recent study analyzed the DNA of more than 35,584 people worldwide, including 11,986 autistic individuals. The scientists identified variants in 102 genes linked with an increased probability of developing ASD.

What type of research is currently being conducted for autism?

Study to Explore Early Development (SEED) SEED is a multi-year study funded by CDC. It is currently the largest study in the United States to help identify factors that may put children at risk for ASD and other developmental disabilities.

What research is being done on autism?

SEED is a multi-year study funded by CDC. It is currently the largest study in the United States to help identify factors that may put children at risk for ASD and other developmental disabilities. Understanding the risk factors that make a person more likely to develop an ASD will help us learn more about the causes.

Is autism a disease article?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication and the presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors (1)….Changes in ASD criteria from the DSM-IV to DSM-5.

Changes DSM-IV DSM-5
Sub-criteria 3 sub-criteria 2 sub-criteria