What are two famous lines from Macbeth?

Famous Quotations from Macbeth

  • Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
  • Fair is foul, and foul is fair. (1.1.13), Weird Sisters.
  • Out, damned spot! out, I say!
  • Something wicked this way comes.
  • The milk of human kindness.
  • It is a tale.
  • This is a sorry sight.
  • When shall we three meet again.

Who says black Macbeth?

Malcolm tells Macduff, “It is myself I mean, in whom I know all the particulars of vice so grafted that, when they shall be opened, black Macbeth will seem as pure as snow, and the poor state esteem him as a lamb, being compared with my confineless harms” (61-6).

What is Macbeth’s famous quotes?

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair.”

  • “What bloody man is that?”
  • “If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow and which will not.”
  • “Or have we eaten on the insane root. That takes the reason prisoner?”
  • “What!
  • “Present fears.
  • “There’s daggers in men’s smiles”
  • “Double, double toil and trouble:
  • What is the quote from Macbeth?

    “False face must hide what the false heart doth know.” “Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through fog and filthy air.” “Things without all remedy should be without regard: what’s done is done.” “Come what come may, time and the hour run through the roughest day.”

    Who said black Macbeth Will seem as pure as snow?

    In fact, compared to Malcolm, Macbeth would seem pure as snow. Malcolm is suggesting he has some pretty serious vices. In evils to top Macbeth. Than such an one to reign.

    When Malcolm says black Macbeth Will seem as pure as snow and the poor state Esteem him as a lamb being compared with my Confineless harms What does he mean?

    black Macbeth/Will seem as pure as snow, and the poor state/Esteem him as a lamb, being compared/With my confineless harms.” Malcolm thinks that Macduff would make a better king because he is braver than he.

    Why is Macbeth black?

    The dramatic: Macbeth The film is black and white solely to dramatize the overall action in the film, so that it exudes the seriousness the story demands. The overall atmosphere the director or cinematographer is trying to create is gloomy, and dark.

    What race is Macbeth?

    A Scottish noble and an initially valiant military man, Macbeth, after a supernatural prophecy and the urging of his wife, Lady Macbeth, commits regicide, usurping the kingship of Scotland.