What are tsotsis 3 rules?

He creates three rules: rule of the working moment (always be able to see his knife), never disturb his inward darkness, tolerate questions from no others. These rules are what allow him to survive as Tsotsi and have no need to become David again. He becomes the leader of a gang who commit crimes in order to survive.

What made Tsotsi change?

This gang changed his identity; he became Tsotsi after several days with the gang participating in crime. He states: “My name is Tsotsi.” This transformation from an innocent boy to a hardened young man has resulted in him living a life of robbery, rape and murder.

What is the theme of Tsotsi novel?

Survival – At the beginning of the novel, survival is attained in a savage and animalistic way. To survive Tsotsi kills and ribs innocent people in order to get money. As the story develops, so does the theme of survival. It becomes less of a physical survival and shifts to an emotional and spiritual survival.

What is the irony of Tsotsi?

The irony of Gumboot’s smile is that he has nothing to smile about – he will never see his wife again or his child – the gangsters are planning to murder him for his money. The fact that Tsotsi whispers an ‘obscene reference to his mother’ in Gumboot’s ear as he dies highlights how mean-spirited and soulless Tsotsi is.

Who is gumboot in Tsotsi?

8. Gumboot is a good man who is concerned about living a good life and meeting his responsibilities as a husband and father. His honesty and trust make him vulnerable to criminals./Tsotsi takes special delight in destroying what is beautiful or good. 9.

How does Tsotsi redeem himself?

By being a merciful person, and forgiving others, he forgives himself. By forgiving others, Tsotsi allows others to forgive him as well. Near the end of the story, Tsotsi seeks redemption with the help of God at the church.

How does the baby influence Tsotsi?

The baby catalyzes Tsotsi remembrance of his past, and his shift in character by being the first thing he has to take responsibility for. Tsotsi goes to find milk for the baby, and cleans the baby; this shows he becomes compassionate, responsible, and merciful.

What mood is created by the darkness of Tsotsi?

The mood is sombre, creating an expectation that something bad is about to happen. There is something of a contradiction here. Die Aap and Tsotsi are said to listen attentively, yet they do not seem really interested in the stories. Explain this contradiction.

How do Tsotsi inflict pain on his victims?

Tsotsi inflicts pain on his victims, notably Boston, but also suffers it himself as a street child and as a gangster. The beggar, Morris, angered and resentful because of his history of suffering and rejection, discovers finally that despite all the pain he experiences, he wants to live.

How did Boston change Tsotsi?

Tsotsi beats Boston not because Boston had done something wrong but because Boston makes him confront the wrong that he has done, and also makes him aware of his pitiful lack of human identity and glaring lack of decent human values.

Who is Petah In Tsotsi?

Who is Petah? He was the leader of a gang of homeless children who stole and did crime in order to survive. Tsotsi met him and joined the gang after running away from home.

Is Tsotsi worthy of redemption?

Through finding faith in God, and helping Miriam let her husband go, Tsotsi finds redemption. There is also stories of redemption for a couple secondary characters.