What are true denticles?

True Pulp stone or Denticle: These are very rare and are a True denticle is made up of dentin and is lined by odontoblasts. These are located close to the apical foramen. The presence of the remnants of epithelial root sheath within the pulp leads to the development of a True denticle.

What are true pulp stones?

True pulp stones are made up of dentine that is lined by odontoblast. True pulp stones are quite rare. On the other hand, false pulp stones are made up of concentric layers of mineralised tissue around blood thrombi, collagen fibres, or dying and dead cells.

What is Taurodontism of teeth?

Taurodontism is a developmental disturbance of a tooth in which body is enlarged at the expense of the roots. An enlarged pulp chamber, apical displacement of the pulpal floor and lack of constriction at the cementoenamel junction are the characteristic features.

Does a pulp stone need to be removed?

It is not known precisely what causes pulp stones, but they are not painful and typically present no symptoms or problems, other than occasionally getting in the way during root canal therapy. this is the case, and you are in need of root canal therapy to save a tooth, we will need to surgically remove the pulp stones.

What are the zones of pulp?

The pulp cavity exhibits four zones as you progress from the dentin-pulp junction toward the center of the pulp cavity: 1) the odontoblast zone, 2) cell-free zone (basal layer of Weil), 3) cell-rich zone, and 4) the pulp core.

When does taurodontism occur?

Taurodontism is believed to arise from a field effect and all molars are generally involved, the first molar being least affected, and with increased severity in the second and third molars, respectively (Fig. 3).

How is taurodontism diagnosed?

At present, a visual radiographic assessment is the most followed method of diagnosing taurodontism. By using this method, severe forms of taurodontism can be easily recognized without much difficulty.

What are Denticles in pulp?

Denticles are pulp degenerations in the form of. calcified deposits of mineral salts, usually found in. molars and lower incisors, as well as in impacted. teeth and deciduous molars. Denticles may come in.

Can pulp stones cause pain?

If dental pulp stones occur. Also known as dental pulp calcification, this is a condition where hardening of the pulp tissue occurs. This results in extreme pain and sensitivity due to the compression of the dental nerves. The hardened tissue can usually only be cleared away through a root canal treatment.