What are triple bowl sinks used for?

The three sink method is the manual procedure for cleaning and sanitizing dishes in commercial settings. Rather than providing additional workspace to perform the same function, the three compartments allow kitchen staff to wash, rinse, and sanitize dishes. Each step has its own set of rules and requirements.

What is not allowed in a 3-compartment sink?

A 3-compartment sink cannot be used for hand washing.

How big is a triple sink?

The most common sizes are 16 x 18 or 16 x 20, and they usually run 12- to 14-inches high.

What is a triple sink?

+ Using a triple bowl sink makes the prep process easy. The bowl on one side of the sink can be used for soaking baking pans or drying the dishes, while the bowl on the other side of the sink can be for general purposes.

How many gallons does a 3 compartment sink hold?

Generally, three compartment sinks can measure 18”x18” with a 14 gallon per compartment capacity or and 24”x24” for a 25 gallon capacity per compartment. Now, this can differ depending on the size of the sink, as stated earlier. If you have a compartment sink for a bar, these usually hold six gallons per compartment.

What is the correct order of a 3 compartment sink?

As indicated in the name, the 3-compartment sink method requires three separate sink compartments, one for each step of the warewash procedure: wash, rinse, and sanitize.

Can I thaw food in a 3 compartment sink?

To properly execute the three-compartment dishwashing process, you must first prepare the area and the dishes to be washed. Your three-compartment sink can also be used to wash wiping cloths, clean produce, and thaw food, but it can’t be used as a mop sink, for hand washing, or to wash maintenance tools.

What is the correct order for a three compartment sink?

The only difference is it requires the staff to manually wash dishes. As indicated in the name, the 3-compartment sink method requires three separate sink compartments, one for each step of the warewash procedure: wash, rinse, and sanitize.

What are the five steps to a three compartment sink?

If you’re operating a food premise you can properly wash your dishes in a three compartment sink by following these steps:

  1. Step One: Scrape.
  2. Step Two: Wash in the first compartment.
  3. Step Three: Rinse in the second compartment.
  4. Step Four: Sanitize in the third compartment.
  5. Step Five: Air Dry.

Do you need 3 sinks in a commercial kitchen?

Even the smallest restaurant requires at least two sinks, and many establishments need three. Large commercial kitchens may have several. You need at least one double sink for washing and rinsing equipment.