What are three synonyms taunt?

Synonyms of taunt

  • bait,
  • hassle,
  • haze,
  • heckle,
  • needle,
  • ride,
  • tease.

What are 2 synonyms for taunting?

synonyms for taunt

  • barb.
  • derision.
  • gibe.
  • insult.
  • jab.
  • jeer.
  • put down.
  • ridicule.

What is another word for strike action?

What is another word for industrial action?

slowdown strike
stoppage general strike
go-slow job action
lightning strike wildcat strike
work-to-rule tie-up

What are some synonyms for strike?

synonyms for strike

  • beat.
  • collide.
  • crash.
  • drive.
  • force.
  • knock.
  • pummel.
  • punch.

What is called taunt in English?

: to reproach or challenge in a mocking or insulting manner : jeer at. taunt. noun. Definition of taunt (Entry 2 of 2) : a sarcastic challenge or insult.

What do you call someone who taunts?

cheeky, disdainful, insulting, mocking, rude, sarcastic, scornful, acerbic, acid, arrogant, biting, bitter, brusque, caustic, derisive, disparaging, disrespectful, mordant, sardonic, satirical.

Which word means to strike or hit?

Verb. affect, influence, touch, impress, strike, sway mean to produce or have an effect upon.

What is another word for strike heavily?

STRIKE heavily Crossword Clue

Answer Letters
STRIKE heavily with 5 Letters

What is the opposite of taunt?

Opposite of to insult or put down, especially in a spiteful way. admire. approve. compliment. flatter.

What do you call a person who taunts?

What is an example of taunting?

To taunt is to tease, insult or antagonize someone by deliberately saying or doing something mean. An example of taunt is when a school bully yells mean things at another child. verb.