What are the white dots in my weed leaves?

White powdery mildew, or WPM, is a very common but serious threat to cannabis plants. WPM can be easily spotted on young leaves of a cannabis plant and appears as a white or grey powdery-fuzzy substance.

Why are my weed leaves turning white?

One of the more common types of fungi you will encounter as a cannabis grower, white powdery mildew is often a result of too high a humidity in the growroom, coupled with low or no airflow.

What causes white spots on plant leaves?

What Causes White Mold on Plants? High humidity and low airflow are the primary causes of white mold. Planting your vegetation without adequate spacing where it cannot get proper air circulation, or overwatering your garden or potting soil can create prime conditions for white mold to grow.

What are the white crystals on weed?

Those crystals are called trichomes. They are the sticky glands that cover the flowers and some small leaves of the cannabis plant. By definition, a trichome is “ the small outgrowth on a plant”. The etymology comes from the greek word trikhōma meaning “growth of hair”.

What does bud rot look like on weed?

In the beginning, bud rot attacks a plant’s stem, which will appear mushy and gray. As the infection progresses, signs of bud rot are characterized by wilted, yellow and burnt leaves. It’s tricky to spot bud rot ahead of time because the fungus first takes hold inside the plant and works its way to the outside.

Can you get rid of powdery mildew on weed plants?

Treating Powdery Mildew on Cannabis Indoors Indoor PM can be treated with an application of Trifecta Crop Control Super Concentrate every 72 hours. Use two ounces per gallon until the powdery mildew is under control. Then apply one ounce per gallon every week for prevention.

How do you treat white spots on leaves?

Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda in 1 quart of water. Spray plants thoroughly, as the solution will only kill fungus that it comes into contact with.

How do you treat white leaf spots?

You can apply liquid copper (a solution certfified organic) to your cole crops to control white spot fungus. Spray all the plant as soon as you see the disease. Be sure and spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves, and spray again every 7-10 days.

What are weed trichomes?

Cannabis trichomes are the appendages on the surface of cannabis flowers that produce and hold the plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes. While trichomes appear across the entire plant, they are primarily produced on the flower, bract, and leaves of the cannabis plant.

What trichomes look like weed?

Trichomes are the tiny, hair-like outgrowths that cover cannabis and hemp flower. They make the cannabis flower look like it has been dusted in sugar or sand. They produce the valuable terpenes and cannabinoids like THC and CBD, that drive cannabis and hemp markets.

What does mold look like on a weed plant?

The rot will first appear white and wispy and then turn grey and black as the bud turns mushy and slimy. Once a bud begins to mold, it is no longer safe for consumption and must be discarded. Growers usually cut out the infected area of the plant and to let it continue to grow.