What are the types of shikhara?

The North Indian shikhara is basically of two types: (1) the latina, curvilinear in outline, the type most usually found above the sanctuary; and (2) the phamsana, rectilinear in outline and capped by a bell-shaped member, the form more usually found above the mandapa.

What is shikhara in Nagara style?

the Nagara style prevalent in northern India. The shikhara is a high curved shape, and so called. In the north-east, the local term deul or deula is more often used, both for towers and often the whole temple.

Which is known as Shikara?

Explanation: The shikara is a type of wooden boat found on Dal Lake and other water bodies of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir, India. shikaras are of various sizes and are used for multiple purposes, including transportation. heart outlined.

Who introduced shikhara?

Shikhara Style: The Shikhara style temple was initially introduced by the Guptas in the 6th century. It was later introduced to Nepal by the Lichhavi dynasty. This style was used for building both Hindu as well as Buddhist temples.

How is shikara made?

Construction. The craft relies on deodar wood (which does not decompose in water) ranges from 25 to 41 feet in length. The pointed front end is followed by a central section made of 8 planks of wood and the boat eventually ends in a flat rear segment.

What was the main features of Dravidian style of temple architecture?

The main features of this style of temple architecture are: The front wall has an entrance gateway in its centre, which is known as a Gopuram. The shape of the main temple tower known as vimana in Tamil Nadu is like a stepped pyramid that rises up geometrically rather than the curving shikhara of North India.

What is shikhara answer?

Complete answer: Shikhara is the rising tower in the Hindu temple architecture of North India. It is also used in Jain temples. Shikhara is over Garbhagriha. Garbhagriha is the innermost sanctuary of a Hindu and Jain temple where the primary deity of the temple is kept.

What is shikhara short answer?

Answer: The highest roof of a Hindu temple is called a ‘Shikhara’. The Rajarajeshvara temple at Thanjavur had the tallest shikhara among the temples of its time.

What is shikara used for?

The shikara is a type of wooden boat found on Dal Lake and other water bodies of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir, India. Shikaras are of various sizes and are used for multiple purposes, including transportation. A usual shikara seats six people, with the driver paddling at the rear.

What is the Dravidian style?

Dravidian architecture or the South Indian temple style is an architectural idiom in Hindu temple architecture that emerged in the southern part of the Indian subcontinent or South India and in Sri Lanka, reaching its final form by the sixteenth century.

What are the important elements of the Dravidian style of architecture?

The features of the Dravidian Style of Architecture are mentioned below: The temple is enclosed within a compound wall. Gopuram: The entrance gateway in the centre of the front wall….Chalukya Architecture

  • Apsidal shrine resembling a Buddhist Chaitya hall.
  • Surrounded by a veranda.
  • Shikhara is like a nagara one.

What is garbhagriha and shikhara?
