What are the types of diversion programs currently used?

There are 3 types of pretrial diversion programs:

  • Drug diversion (Penal Code PC 1000), and.
  • Mental health diversion (Penal Code 1001.36) and.
  • Military diversion or veterans diversion (Penal Code 1001.81)

What are the two types of diversion?

Forms of diversion

  • There are two types of diversion: informal and formal.
  • Jail-diversion programs typically have a very simple aim: to allow the offender to avoid confinement while awaiting trial.
  • Jail diversion is an option frequently exercised by the arresting officer.

What are the disadvantages of diversion programs?

Disadvantages of diversion programs Disposition by pre-trial diversion usually precludes you from suing for wrongful prosecution or arrest. The diversion might count as a conviction for license suspension purposes or immigration purposes.

What is an example of a social diversion?

Finally there are social diversions like riding skateboards on sidewalks, overly tight leggings, or facial piercings that violate norms in a provocative way but are generally regarded as distasteful, or for some cool, but harmless.

Who is qualified under diversion program?

Diversion Procedure RA 9344 provides that a child who is above 15 but below 18 years of age, assessed to have acted with discernment and has allegedly committed an offense with imposable penalty of less than six (6) years shall undergo diversion.

Which are the three advantages of diversion programs?

Diversion Programs

  • Lowering costs to the system by avoiding incarceration and probation.
  • Reducing labeling and stigma.
  • Preventing the foreclosure of future opportunities that come with a record.
  • Reducing caseload of justice system.
  • Reducing recidivism.

What is the biggest advantage to diversion?

Major advantage of diversion programs is avoiding justice system processing. The disadvantage is they may increase the number of those who otherwise would have been ignored by the justice system in the past.

What are social diversions?

Social Diversions: Acts that fall under the category of diversions are those that are considered by the society to be acceptable variations in lifestyle. Social deviations can become social diversions when many people take part in the deviation and make it fashionable.

What makes something a moral panic?

Moral panic is defined as a public mass movement, based on false or exaggerated perceptions or information that exceeds the actual threat society is facing. Moral panic is a widespread fear and often an irrational threat to society’s values, interests, and safety.

What is the process of diversion program?

Diversion process includes conduct of diversion proceedings, formulation of diversion program, contract signing, implementation of the diversion program, monitoring and supervision of the CICL undergoing diversion, and termination.

What are diversion activities?

The definition of a diversion is an activity, often pleasant, that takes you away from your normal activity, or a detour or alternative course. An interruption from a friend in the middle of doing tedious work is an example of a diversion.

What are some examples of deviance?

Adult content consumption, drug use, excessive drinking, illegal hunting, eating disorders, or any self-harming or addictive practice are all examples of deviant behaviors.