What are the two functions of B lymphocytes?

B lymphocytes recognize soluble antigens via immunoglobulins anchored on their surface and differentiate into antibody-producing cells, called plasma cells, capable of secreting immunoglobulins. These proteins function alone (neutralization) or with complement or phagocytes to inactivate microorganisms.

What are the 2 main type of lymphocytes?

The two main types of lymphocytes are B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. B lymphocytes make antibodies, and T lymphocytes help kill tumor cells and help control immune responses. A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell.

What is the main function of B lymphocytes quizlet?

What is the function of B lymphocytes in the immune system? The primary function of B cells is to produce antibody. They participate in the humoral immune response. This means they react to foreign antigens and differentiate into plasma cells once activated.

What is the functional role of lymphocytes?

Lymphocytes are white blood cells uniform in appearance but varied in function and include T, B, and natural killer cells. These cells are responsible for antibody production, direct cell-mediated killing of virus-infected and tumor cells, and regulation of the immune response.

What is the primary function of lymphocytes quizlet?

The primary function of lymphocytes is to produce antibodies against foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, and pollens.

What are the two main functions of T cells?

T cells (also called T lymphocytes) are major components of the adaptive immune system. Their roles include directly killing infected host cells, activating other immune cells, producing cytokines and regulating the immune response.

What is the function of B and T lymphocytes?

T cells can wipe out infected or cancerous cells. They also direct the immune response by helping B lymphocytes to eliminate invading pathogens. B cells create antibodies. B lymphocytes, also called B cells, create a type of protein called an antibody.

What is the function of lymphocytes quizlet?

lymphocytes responsible for immunological surveillance, recognizing and destroying abnormal cells when they appear in peripheral tissues. They recognize bacteria, viruses, cancer cells and foreign cells. membrane proteins on cancer cells that NK cells recognize as abnormal.

What’s the primary function of lymphocytes?

What is the main function of T lymphocytes Mcq?

question. Answer: Correct answer is option (d) the main function of T-lymphocytes is to produce antibodies.